Chapter 37 - Wounded

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Chapter 37

(Hiro’s POV)

                I made it outside with the rest of the team, minus Akira, and we were about to go home when I remembered that I was going to get some of my blueprints from the lab.

                “I’ve gotta get some things from the lab. I’ll see you guys tomorrow, I guess,” I sighed. They smiled and waved as I walked to the lab. 

                I sulked around the corner to the lab. I turned the handle, but it was locked. I sighed in frustration and listened to the door. I couldn’t make out words, but I could hear a male voice mumbling. I rolled my eyes. Some idiots probably went in and accidentally locked the door. I knocked. I heard a few more words from the male voice but couldn’t make them out. Then, Henry answered the door.

                “Hello, Hiro,” he greeted happily. I looked at my feet sadly.

                “Hey, I need to get some blueprints from the back,” I mumbled. I noticed he was panting heavily. He stepped out of my way and I noticed Akira sitting on the floor. With a quick glance, I saw that she was breathing heavily too and her sweater was pulled over one shoulder. Her glasses were off and on the table behind her. I looked away and walked to the back of the room. I assumed they were busy making out and that’s why they had locked the door and were breathing so heavily.

                I grabbed my blueprints and as I walked back across the room, I glanced back to Akira. The second glance revealed more than I had seen before. I saw that Akira’s hands were zip-tied to the desk, she had a fresh cut on her shoulder, and she had tears running down her cheeks. She wasn’t blushing, she was in tears, and was biting her lip. She looked scared. I then glanced to Henry, who had his hands behind his back like he was hiding something and he was watching me nervously.

                “Thanks, sorry about interrupting you two,” I said and faked friendliness as I walked right up to him and stopped in front of him.

                “Oh, it’s alright. Do you need anything else?” Henry asked me.

                “Yeah, just one more thing,” I answered. I turned to Akira. “Just want to make sure she’s alright. I know we’re not dating anymore, Akira, but I wanted to apologize for screaming at you yesterday. Hopefully we can still be friends?” She nodded quickly and nervously. “OH! Almost forgot. Last thing,” I began. I turned to Henry. “WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING TO HER?!” I screamed. Henry’s hands came from behind his back with a scalpel and he pulled it forwards to stab me.

                “DIE!” Henry screamed back as he swung at me.

(Akira’s POV)

                Hiro, please… Do something… I wished I could see if Henry was looking at me or not so I could sign to Hiro that I was in trouble, but I couldn’t tell if either or both were looking at me.

                “Yeah, just one more thing,” Hiro replied. “Just want to make sure she’s alright. I know we’re not dating anymore, Akira, but I wanted to apologize for screaming at you yesterday. Hopefully we can still be friends?” I nodded nervously. “OH! Almost forgot. Last thing, WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING TO HER?!” Hiro shouted. I heard the air movement of Henry going to stab him.

                “DIE!” Henry yelled back. I flinched in expectation of Hiro’s screams. Then, I heard metal on metal clashing.

                “NO! HIRO!” I cried. I heard the sound of somebody dropping to the floor with a thud.

                “I’m okay, Akira!” Hiro voiced.  “The watch blocked the knife.”

                “But it won’t save her!” Henry’s voice shouted. Suddenly, I felt a sharp pain in my side, and warm blood dripping over my waist.

                “AKIRA!” I heard Hiro shout. There were a few muffled noises I heard of shouting. The sound was hazy as I bled out. I felt my glasses get placed on my face and then I heard some muffled shouts and saw a blurry figure over me. I numbly felt my limp body get picked up and then everything went black.

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