51 ⚔️ Adora

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After Glimmer and Bow had walked away to go and do some stargazing, Catra and I made our way into the kitchen to help Scorpia and Perfuma out with cooking up some dinner. We ended up making burgers and a side salad that Perfuma helped make with some of the vegetables and fruits that she had planted and taken care of herself. 

"This is amazing! Thank you for helping me out, Scorpia," Perfuma said, "And thank you, Adora and Catra, too. I think we all just needed some down time to be able to forget about the whole doom and gloom of the robot situation for a moment." 

Scorpia gave a slight shake of her head, then, as she released a gentle laugh out of her amusement. 

I couldn't help but smile, too. For one thing, we had food. For another, Catra was there with me and one last thing- Scorpia and Perfuma were absolutely adorable when they were together. 

We soon made our way into the main dining hall with the others, so we could all eat our dinner together. 

As she ate, Perfuma adjusted the collar of her shirt slightly and Scorpia's eyes travelled to her for a moment, until she returned her attention to the plate of food before her. 

It was becoming increasingly apparent to Catra and I, and perhaps the others, too, that something was going on between Perfuma and Scorpia. At the very least, it was clear to me that the two of them had feelings for each other, which was pretty sweet, in all honesty. 

For a brief moment, Scorpia appeared to be deep in thought. 

"Hey, Scorpia, are you daydreaming?" Perfuma teased, as she reached out to gently touch Scorpia's cheek. 

"Huh? No...I was just...thinking," Scorpia mumbled. 

Perfuma simply smiled, as she moved a little closer to Scorpia so she could sit beside her. 

Scorpia scooted in a little closer to Perfuma, too. 

Perfuma crossed one of her legs over the other, as she leant in a little more closely to Scorpia. 

"Well, I, for one, think we did a good job today. We managed to rewire some robots and we cooked an amazing meal for everyone, too," Perfuma beamed, as she raised a hand up, Scorpia looked towards it momentarily, until she smiled and high-fived Perfuma. Well, I supposed high-clawed would have been a more accurate term. 

Scorpia shrugged. 

"I suppose we did pretty well today," she said, as she smiled towards Perfuma. 

Catra released a gentle laugh then, which caused the rest of us to look at her. 

"Is something up, Catra?" Perfuma asked her. 

"Huh? Oh, no. I was just happy that this dinner was so good. We're good chefs," Catra said. 

I turned to her and raised an eyebrow at her. She just kicked my foot gently under the table, so that I wouldn't draw more attention towards her. 

Perfuma held her palm up to Scorpia again and Scorpia smiled as she tapped it gently for a second, with her claw. 

Perfuma then frowned slightly, as though she had wanted Scorpia to hold her hand, rather than just touch it for a quick second, but she soon turned her attention to new matters. 

"I suppose that we should probably clean up this place, huh?" Perfuma suggested. 

"Of course," Scorpia agreed. 

Perfuma, Scorpia, Catra and I soon made our way into the kitchen, after Bow and Glimmer and the others had thanked us for cooking up a delicious meal. 

Perfuma fell into Scorpia's chair, once we re-entered the main living space of Glimmer's palace and Scorpia glanced towards her with amusement. 

"Perfuma, this is my chair-" she began to say, but then paused, as though she didn't want that to come across rudely. 

Perfuma's eyes shone with amusement for a second. 

"Sit next to me," she said. 

Scorpia gave a slight shrug, as she went to join Perfuma. 

In the meantime, Catra sat down in a chair nearby and I went to cuddle up to her. I felt Catra purr gently, as I leant my head gently against her chest, so I could hear her heart beat steadily within her chest. In that moment, the temptation to kiss her was well and truly there, but I would leave that for later. Besides, we had company. 

Perfuma glanced towards Scorpia for a second and her eyes flirtatiously lingered at Scorpia's lips for a moment, before she smiled again. 

"We did well today, team," Perfuma said. 

"We did," Catra agreed, "But we still have to find Silver," she reminded us. 

"I know we do," Perfuma sighed. 

"But we will," Scorpia assured her, as she provided Perfuma with a friendly smile.  "We have your beautiful self on our team for one thing. I know that we can do this," she added. 

Perfuma's deep brown eyes widened slightly then in her surprise.

"Do you really think I'm beautiful, Scorpia?" she asked her, as her cheeks reddened slightly. 

"Are you kidding me? Of course, I do," Scorpia said. 

Perfuma's lips curled into a sweet smile, then, and I couldn't help but feel my heart warm slightly, as I looked towards the two of them. Perfuma just poked Scorpia gently then, which caused Scorpia to blush this time around. 

"You're pretty cute yourself," she said, as she met Scorpia's gaze. 

"Yeah yeah. You're both cute," Catra said, as she glanced towards me with amusement clear in her expression. 

Perfuma simply held her hand out then and Scorpia took it. Perfuma then gently placed a kiss against Scorpia's cheek and Scorpia looked a little surprised for a moment, until she relaxed and smiled again. 

 The two of them were so adorable! My heart could hardly take such a vast amount of cuteness, but then I glanced towards Catra again and realised that it was going to have to because Catra was probably the cutest girl that I had ever seen in the entire universe. 

Catra glanced at me gazing at her, then, and shoved me playfully. 

"Um. Earth to Adora? We still have things to do here, but for now...we should probably sleep," she said decisively. 

I nodded in agreement with that and the two of us soon said goodnight to Perfuma and Scorpia, before making our way to our own room again, where we promptly got ready for bed. 

Silver was still out there, so I could tell that we probably had another big day ahead for the two of us. 

For The Honor of Grayskull (A Catradora Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now