40 🐈 Catra

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As we walked on, I glanced down at the forest ground below for a moment, to try not to stumble on any stray branches. I refused to wear shoes. They were far too restricting. 

Meanwhile, Adora was walking in combat boots. The only problem with not wearing shoes is that I didn't have waterproof feet and cats and water was not a good mix, let me tell you.  I grimaced as I ended up treading in cold and murky rain water. Adora just gave me a sympathetic smile, as she tried not to laugh at my misfortune. At least, I believed that was the case. I had spent a while laughing at the misfortune of others that I often assumed that people were laughing at me rather than with me. I wasn't sure, though, maybe I was just being paranoid. 

Water droplets began to fall upon Adora's pale skin and the two of us soon sought shelter under a small wooden arch nearby, while the others also tried to protect themselves from the rain that was starting to come down with more force. While we were stood there, I sneezed. It was a small, feeble noise against the rush of the rain. 

"Awh. Your sneeze is so adorable, Catra," Adora said. 

I narrowed my eyes at her. 

"No. It isn't," I said. 

I was prepared to argue this for as long as was necessary but I knew that even then, Adora would refuse to let up. Adora reached out to gently tap the edge of my nose then, as she smiled a sweet smile that was apparently infectious. Damn it. 

"Yes it is," Adora teased. She looked amused for a moment, until a slightly concerned expression appeared upon her face. "I don't want you to get too cold. Do you want to wear my sweater?" she asked. 

I gave a slight shake of my head but then sneezed again. 

"No, I'm fine," I grumbled. 

"Catra," Adora said, as her eyebrows creased together slightly. 

Before I could either accept or deny her sweater offer, I heard a noise nearby and quickly grabbed a hold of Adora's forearm. Her sapphire blue eyes widened slightly in her surprise and her eyelashes became slightly darker thanks to the incoming rain.  

"Catra, what is it?" she asked me. 

"It's...nothing. I thought I heard something," I said. 

If I so much as heard a robot walk in our direction, I was prepared to pounce on them. I had to protect Adora and the others. Of course, I wasn't going to tell Adora that. How embarrassing would that be if she knew? She had already found my diary. I didn't need nor want her to find out anything else. 

"Hey, I'm right here with you. It's going to be okay," Adora assured me. 

I felt my features relax slightly, then, as I exhaled for the first time in a little while. I hadn't even noticed how tense I had got until Adora had talked to me. I released my grip on Adora's forearm, then, but kept my hand placed there, as if to remind myself that she was still there and she was safe. 

"We should find out what's behind these trees," Sea Hawk said decisively, as he and Mermista crept up behind Adora and I, which partially startled me. 

"Alright...but we need to be careful. We set up those traps but we don't know if they're definitely going to fall into the-" I began to say. 

"We've got one!" Entrapta said excitedly. 

Scorpia rushed to her side and helped Entrapta scramble with the bot until Entrapta was able to rewire the robot to be good again. 

Of course, Scorpia had to help out as much as she could because Entrapta was down to one hand now, which wasn't brilliant. 

Once Entrapta had sorted out that robot, who she named Iron, it was time for us to get going again. We walked on through the forest until eventually we reached a dead end. 

"How are we going to get past this thing?" Mermista asked, with a mildly irritated look upon her face.

"I've got this, darlings!" Double Trouble said, as they sprung forward and pointed in the direction of a hidden path through trees in the forest, "There's your new route. You're welcome," they said, as they bowed with a gentle smirk upon their face. 

"That was actually pretty impressive, Double Trouble. I wouldn't have thought to look there," Mermista said, as she walked on ahead. 

As we walked on, I remained close by Adora. Scorpia soon came to walk alongside me, too. 

"Hey, Catra. We're going to be fine. Don't you worry! If any robots come out of hiding, I'll sort them out. Entrapta and I are on it! I have to look out for you guys, after all," she said, as she winked towards Adora and I. 

Adora's expression brightened slightly, then. 

"Thank you, Scorpia," she said. 

"Of course! You guys are my greatest friends! I have to look out for you all," she said with a grin. 

It was hard not to be heart warmed by Scorpia's kind words, even if I would probably deny feeling that way at all. 

"This is amazing! I've already been able to rewire three robots successfully. We can probably save so many others!" Entrapta said enthusiastically. 

I went to stand beside her then. 

"Hey Entrapta...I really am sorry about Leonardo," I told her. 

Entrapta's eyebrows creased together slightly, then. 

"Hey, it's okay, Catra. I knew you had the right intentions. You were just trying to look out for us all. I can't blame you for that," she told me. 

I exhaled then, as I felt partially relieved that I hadn't caused too much drama between Entrapta and I. 

"And we'll rescue more of the robots, Entrapta, I just know it," Adora said. Her strong will was hardly going to make us turn back now and I wasn't about to leave her, so we continued on, even though we knew that there were much worse robots to be discovered. 

For The Honor of Grayskull (A Catradora Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now