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I was trying to sneak out of our room that evening when Adora ended up walking right into our room. 

"Hey, Catra. I'm sorry about earlier. There really isn't anything to worry about," she told me, "Everything's fine," she told me. 

I felt my eyes narrow slightly. 

"Right...it's not though, is it, Adora?" I asked her. 

Adora looked as though she wasn't really sure what she could say in response to that and I couldn't blame her. I hadn't given her much room to reply to the question that I had posed. 

"You're not going to let this question go, are you, Catra?" she asked me. 

I gave a slight shake of my head, then. 

"I didn't really plan on it. No," I said, as I crossed my arms over my chest. 

"Can you just let it slip by, just this once, Catra? Please. I don't want you to end up getting mixed up in my problems again," Adora said. 

I sighed. 

"That's just the thing, though, Adora. I'm your girlfriend. If anyone is mean to get mixed up in 'your problems', then that person is me," I stated. 

"I'm going to go and explore the forest. Can you just stay here?" she asked me. 

"No. I don't think so. I'm not getting left behind again,"I said. I felt my heart pace quicken at the fact that she had even suggested such a thing. 

"I have a sword, Catra. I can transform into a seven-foot tall princess and that's exactly why I'm the one who is going to investigate," she told me. 

I gave a slight shake of my head, then, and Adora's eyes widened slightly, as though she had realised that she had already said too much. 

"So there is something going on! What aren't you telling me, Adora?"I asked her. 

"That's exactly why I'm going to investigate. I'm honestly not sure yet," she admitted. 

I gave an understanding nod, but then felt myself frown again. 

"Well, I'm coming with you," I said. 

"No, Catra. You have to stay here," Adora said. 

I crossed my arms over my chest again and groaned. 

"You always say that I need to stay behind. I can handle myself...unless you don't think that I can. Is that what this is, Adora? Am I not good enough?" I asked her, in a mere whisper, as I felt my heart ache all over again. This feeling was like the first time that she had left, only in some ways it felt worse. "You think you have it all under control, Adora, but you're just that...you're Adora and without She-ra, you would be-" I stopped, then, as I saw hurt flicker in Adora's eyes. I immediately went to regret what I had said, but I couldn't. I knew that I meant every word of it. Ever since Adora had got the power to turn into She-ra, things had changed between us. In fact, they had changed a long time before then, too, and I wanted to think that things were starting to get better again, but here she was, shutting me out again. 

"I need to fix this, Catra. Whatever...'this' is," Adora said. 

"That is not your responsibility," I told her, "Please stay, Adora," I whispered. 

Adora's eyes flickered with guilt, as her jaw twitched slightly. Her expression soon hardened, though. 

"I have to go, Catra," she said, "I have to go." 

"Do you think that you're better than me, is that what this is?" I asked with evident judgement in my voice. 

Adora gave a slight shake of her head. 

"I don't even know if I'm good enough most of the time, Catra," she said. 

"That's just the thing, Adora! Don't you realise that? You have always been good enough for me. So, why is it that I can't come with you?" I asked her, as she began to make her way out of the room with a backpack and her sword, "Why is it that I'm not good enough for you?" I asked her. 

"You ready?" she asked Bow, as he joined us in the hall. 

He simply gave a nod of his head, and then looked at me a little sympathetically. 

I didn't need his damn sympathy, though. I felt like scratching up a pillow just watching this whole situation play out.

 "Oh, I see what's happening here. You're going to go on a nice little adventure with your new best friend because everything is so seemingly perfect with them, isn't it? And you can't bring me with you because what...because you still don't trust me?" I asked her. 

Bow seemed to swallow a little nervously. I didn't capture much more of a reaction out of him, though. I wasn't interested. I was more intrigued by the fact that Adora thought that she could just leave and then expected me to be okay with it. I could never be okay with it. I could never be okay with any of this. 

"I didn't become a Horde captain for no reason, Adora. I became one because I'm a good leader and yeah...it may not have been the greatest of titles to own, but it was something. Do you really think that I can't handle myself out there?" I asked. 

Adora sighed and seemed to deliberate over something in her mind, for a moment. 

"I...I'll be back soon, Catra," she ended up saying, even though it looked as though it slightly pained her to even say that. 

"We just need to check that everything is okay, Catra! It makes sense for you to stay here but...if things get worse then you can come along. Can't she, Adora?" Bow asked her. 

Adora paused for a moment but then nodded. 

I felt the tension that dwell in my chest ease up slightly, but it didn't change the fact that Adora and I seemed to have a lot that we still needed to talk about. 

"We've got to make sure everything's okay, for Glimmer and the rest of Etheria!" Bow said. 

I should have expected as much. 

I simply exhaled and gave a nod. 

"See you later, then," I grumbled and pushed past Adora, as I headed back to my room. 

For The Honor of Grayskull (A Catradora Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now