9 ⚔️ Adora

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"So hi..." I trailed off, as I stared at the giantic robotic creation in front of Catra and me.

"Does it talk?" Catra asked me.

I felt my eyebrows crinkle together at her question.

"How am I supposed to know if it talks?" I asked Catra.

"Robot scanner on," said a deep robotic voice.

"Scanning. Hi. Adora and Catra. Welcome to Entrapta bot 3.0. I am Fifi and I will be your robot today," this time around, the robot had a female voice.

"Okay great! The robot is gender fluid. Good to know," I said.

Catra just gave me a look.

I didn't know what that look meant so I shrugged.

"It's a robot," she said, "We need to find out why it's here... And if it has seen where Entrapta got to," she added.

I gave a hum of agreement.

Catra went on.

"Hey Metallica. Do you know where our friend Entrapta got to?" Catra asked the bot.

The robot's eyes blinked several times.

"Registering question," the robot said (in its female voice this time around). "Entrapta created me! But then...but then... But then... Registering question," the robot began to say.

Catra groaned in her frustration.

"It's no use ! This thing is clearly broken," Catra said.

"I don't think so. I think that this thing...Sorry, Fifi, might actually be able to help us out!" I said.

Catra raised an eyebrow at me, then, as she moved a hand through her brown hair, which had somehow gotten much longer within a couple of months.

"Yeah? Well, you always were too trusting," she told me.

I sighed.

"I don't expect you to agree with me all the time but.. This is Entrapta we are taking about, Catra. If anyone can make some crazy robots like this then its her... But we also need to remember that Entrapta's inventions don't necessarily always go to plan," I said.  "Now, we can just ask Fifi here where Entrapta has got to and try to solve this mystery."

Catra gave a dry laugh.

"Do you really think that's going to work?" she asked.

I gave a slight shrug of my shoulders, then.

"I don't know for sure, Catra, but it's worth a try," I said.

"Entrapta is... Entrapta is..." Fifi began to say. I supposed that she was processing again.

"Yes? Entrapta is?" I asked Fifi eagerly.

"Entrapta is gone," Fifi said and then shut down.

I turned to Catra to observe her eyebrows raise slightly.

"Well... That wasn't as helpful as you thought it would be," she said.

"What do you suggest we do?" I asked her.

"We need to go, Adora. I won't stop until we find out what's going on here. To do that though... We need to figure out where Entrapta has gone. Whoever took Entrapta could be behind those weird sounds you heard from outside the palace the other night. We can't just ignore that, Adora,"she told me, as determination flashed in her eyes. "And I am coming with you. You are not leaving me behind again," Catra said.

"Catra..." I trailed off.

She frowned at me.

"Everything we be fine," I said. "I'm going to find Entrapta and bring her back and make sure that everyone is safe and okay, Catra," I said.

Catra thought on it for a moment.

"So, I'm coming with?" she asked me.

"No, Catra. I don't know how dangerous any of this is yet and you need to stay here," I told her.

Catra crossed her arms over her chest again, before sitting down upon the floor of Entrapta's lab.

"I should have known. You just love to be a hero. You're so selfless that you won't admit to anyone that you could use some help from time to time, Adora. I thought that the two of us were going to start sticking together from now on but you never change! You're always going to push me away, Adora," Catra said and as her eyes began to mist over , I wished that I could take back what I had previously said.

"Catra..." I started to say.

"No, you have got to be joking me, Adora, if you think that I'm just going to stay behind again, then you're wrong," Catra said.

I felt my heart hurt then.

"I didn't..." I began to say.

Catra's hands curled up into fists.

"What? You didn't think about how you leaving me would make me feel again? News flash, Adora, it didn't exactly make me feel like jumping for joy," Catra said, as irritation flashed in her eyes. The blue and green shades of her irises burned with not-so subtle anger.

"I didn't exactly need the lecture, Catra, but thank you," I said, with heavy irony in my voice.

"Here she is, everyone, the girl who thinks she always has everything under control because of course, she knows best! Well, here's the thing Adora, you don't. You can't do this on your own. You're... You're making a mistake by leaving me behind. You're being an idiot," Catra said.

"And you're being a control freak," I blurted.

I wished that I hadn't said such a thing, as soon as the words had left my mouth.

Catra's eyes flashed with hurt momentarily, before it switched to pure anger.

"I didn't mean that, Catra. I just..." I said.

"You did mean it! You're going to just go and leave me again and the worst part is that you're not even sorry! So... Here's the thing, Adora. I'm not going to let you do that. I'm not going to let you just up and leave me again because I'm going," Catra said and then began to make her way out of Entrapta's lab.

I felt my eyes widen slightly at that statement.

"What?" I asked her, as I followed her out of the lab.

"I'm sorry Adora but I am not going to be pushed to the side like I always am! I'm important too, Adora. You're not the only 'amazing' one here and that's why I refuse to stay here while you... While you decide to leave me again," she said.

"Catra..." I tried to say, but Catra shoved past me.

"No, Adora. I'm out of here," Catra said and proceeded to walk straight out of the palace gates.

For The Honor of Grayskull (A Catradora Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now