19 🐈 Catra

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"Perfuma!" Scorpia yelled, as she watched Perfuma go through the portal that the robot had created. Scorpia's warm brown eyes shone with worry, then. Emily beeped in discontent, which I hadn't even considered a possibility but now that I had witnessed her doing so, the entire situation just felt awfully sad. 

I muttered a curse under my breath and continued to fight the metallic entities that approached us.

Once we had successfully fought them off, Scorpia turned to me and her eyes seemed uncharacteristically cold.

"Scorpia..." I began to say but then had to swiftly turn around as I felt a bot's presence behind me. I narrowed my eyes, as I stared into the robot's red ones. "Who are you? Who do you work for?" I demanded.

The robot seemed to register my question for a moment before it responded.

"The droid that took the one you seek is called Silver," the droid said.

"And what's your name? Metal?" I asked.

"Metal," the robot beeped, "I like it," it said.

I sighed in frustration, as my eyes scanned Metal. If only Entrapta had come up with more original names for her creations. You would have thought that she could manage that. Then again, she had been taken by one of her bots.

"Alright, Metal, where's Silver?" Scorpia asked, which I was partially thankful for. I had been somewhat distracted by my thoughts. 

"Silver has gone far, far through these woods and deeper into the caves of Etheria. I doubt that you will find them any time soon," Metal stated. 

I gently placed one of my hands on Scorpia's claw, then, because she looked as though she wanted to tear the robot apart. I couldn't blame her for being utterly upset, though. The robot had caused Perfuma to be sent far away from us. As I glanced towards my arm for a moment, I noticed that it was looking considerably more toned now. I had been doing a lot of training with Adora a.k.a. She-ra in case something like this happened. I hadn't actually expected it to! Either way, I shoved the thought of Adora aside in my brain, as best as I could and redirected my attentions to Scorpia and the weird robot pal that stood before her. 

A soft wind caused Scorpia's platinum hair to sweep to the side for a moment, as her two dark eyebrows creased together. 

"Listen, screw this thing. We aren't giving up on Entrapta or Perfuma, alright? We'll get them back no matter what it takes. In the mean time, you can either start talking, Metal, or we'll sell you for scraps. I think you could make a good piece of armour, actually...thinking about it," I said. 

The robot then seemed to shriek at my comments. 

"I don't know where Silver is, alright? If I did, I would have found them by now," Metal said, "We have plans...together." 

"Plans? For what?" I asked, as my eyes narrowed slightly.  

"You know, Catra," Scorpia began to chime in, then, "I'm actually not too sure how many questions we should be asking this thing...I mean, can we even trust it?" she asked. 

The robot beeped in irritation. 

"I am not an it!" it protested. 

I rolled my eyes. 

"Sure. Keep talking, metalhead," I said. 

"I beg your pardon-" it began to say. 

"I didn't actually mean for you to continue talking," I said curtly. 

 "We can't tell if Robo here is telling the truth. Who knows? It might just be a diversion," Scorpia considered aloud. "Regardless...we're going to have to carry on. We have to help our friends! We have to do this...for Entrapta and Perfuma," Scorpia said, as a slightly crestfallen expression appeared on her face. 

"And we will," I said, with an expression of determination. 

Even Emily bleeped in agreement, then. 

"Why do you have one blue eye and one green eye?" Metal asked. 

I placed a palm of my hand to my cheek then, as I fell into a lapse of self-consciousness. 

"I don't know...why are you incredibly annoying?" I retorted. 

The robot seemed to short-circuit then, as it didn't say anything else and so Scorpia, Emily and I continued onwards. 

"Ignore him, Catra! I, personally, like the whole heterochromia look!" Scorpia said. 

"I didn't ask for your commentary- thank you, Scorpia," I quickly said, as I managed to force a small smile onto my face, despite my frustrations over Metal and the whole disappearing friends situation. How in Etheria were we going to get them back now?  

Scorpia's warm, brown, almond-shaped eyes seemed to smile back at me, which helped me feel a little reassured. As long as we had each other, we could do this. For a second, as I walked alongside Scorpia, I felt regret for all of those things that I had once said to her all over again. 

"Listen, Scorpia...I was a terrible friend to you and I am so sorry. I am so glad that you're here. Honestly, sometimes I don't know what I'd do without you-"

Scorpia swiftly picked me up into a big bear- sorry, scorpion hug and squeezed me for a moment.

"All forgiven, Catra, honestly! Everyone is capable of change!" she said warmly. "I'm just glad that we aren't out here alone. This forest sort of gives me the heeby jeebies," Scorpia said.

I glanced around at our surroundings then and had to give a nod of agreement.

"Me too. I mean, it's not that I'm afraid of anything. I'm not a scaredy cat... It's just... Don't you feel like we've been here before?" I asked then.

Scorpia's eyes darted around the scene to take it all in and then she gave a slight nod of her head.

"No, we've definitely passed that rock before! I remember because Emily told me she liked that rock," Scorpia said.

I sighed.

"Well, no matter what, we have to stick together. I'm not letting another one of my friends get hurt. Now..." I said, as my eyes scanned the surroundings. Eventually, they settled on a path I didn't believe that we had gone down yet. It looked sort of dark and harrowing but I had to push the fears starting to settle in my stomach away. "This way," I said decisively, as I led the way for Scorpia and Emily to follow.

For The Honor of Grayskull (A Catradora Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now