41 ⚔️ Adora

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The rain eventually let up and we continued onwards. 

Catra soon paused and turned to look at the rest of us. 

"I mean...I might just be having a wild idea here but can't Adora or Glimmer use their magic to help us stop the robots?" Catra asked. 

"We can't just use magic for everything, Catra!" Glimmer exclaimed, as her cheeks reddened slightly in annoyance but after she had said the words, she soon paused. "But now that you mention it..." she trailed off, as she waved a hand and caused one of the robots nearby to become momentarily stunned. This gave Entrapta enough time to rewire the bot. 

"Another one!" she exclaimed, "Go team!" she added, with a grin. 

Catra took a step towards me then and simply met my gaze. There was a glint of something in her eyes but I honestly didn't have a clue what it was. 

"You okay there, Catarina?" I asked her. 

Catra flushed then and gave a slight shake of her head, as if she was trying to get out of her thoughts. 

"Yeah. I'm all good," she said, as she wrapped her arms around me, taking me by surprise, "It's just been a really long few days, Adora. I want to go home," she said. 

I hugged her back then and gently traced my hand up and down her back. 

"We will," I promised her, as I met her gaze again. 

Catra smiled then, as she seemed a little more relaxed. 

"Now, let's get to work," I said, as I began to help Entrapta set up another trap to, well, trap the robots. 

A few minutes after we had set up the trap and it was all good to go, we got another one! 

Entrapta swiftly worked on the robot to rewire it effectively and then turned back to wink at me. I simply grinned back at her. 

While Entrapta and I worked together, the others continued to develop their own traps, too. 

Double Trouble's eyes flickered with wonder as they watched the events unfold, too, and Swift Wind wandered over to my side and neighed in delight. 

"Well, this is going well, wouldn't you say so, Adora? I love it when we work together like this! We make a good team," Swift Wind said, as he took some rope in between his teeth to wrap it around a nearby tree. 

"Someone should have notified Netossa about all of this," I said, as I took a breath. All of this trap making was tiring work. "She could have helped us trap the bots," I explained, as several pairs of eyes became trained on me. 

"Yeah but Netossa is busy," Mermista told me, then. 

I just raised an eyebrow at her. 

"It's their anniversary, duh," Mermista said, as the corner of her mouth lifted a little. Sea Hawk soon came to stand beside her and Mermista smiled fondly at him for a second.  

"How have you even kept track of that?" I asked her. How could anyone have kept track of anything all the way out here in the forest? 

"Entrapta's tracker has a calendar function," Mermista stated. 

"It does?" Entrapta cried out then, with evident surprise in her voice.  

"Yes. Damn. You guys really need to start paying more attention," Mermista said. 

While we continued to set up the traps for the robots, Scorpia soon came to join Entrapta and I again. 

"Hey, we can do this! I just know it. We'll be home in no time," Scorpia said supportively. "I want to help. Is there anything that I can help with?" she wondered aloud.

Entrapta nodded, then. 

"Yeah! Keep a lookout, Scorpia! You're taller...you can see over the trees better," Entrapta explained. 

"On it," Scorpia grinned, as she made her way over to the trees to look between them. 

"Uh, hello, I'm She-ra," I reminded Entrapta. 

"Exactly, you're far too flashy. You'll draw them all over here far too quickly," Entrapta said. 

Double Trouble wandered past us and released a soft chuckle, then. I chose to ignore them. I supposed that Entrapta was probably right, even if I didn't want to admit it.   

"I'm just being objective here. Sorry, Adora," Entrapta said. 

"It's okay," I replied. 

I supposed that for now all I could do was keep a low profile. I knew that I could transform into She-ra again if I ever needed her. 

"I think that it's time we split up," Mermista said, then, "If Sea Hawk and I head further into the forest then we can lure the robots into the traps we set up further back...then Entrapta can come to us and sort out the wiring," she said. 

"Uh, that's a possibility-" I began to say, but before I could finish my sentence, Mermista and Sea Hawk were already rushing away from the rest of us. 

I merely sighed. I was sure that we would see them again soon. They wouldn't get that far without the rest of us.  

Catra took a step closer to me then and ran a hand through my hair, that was falling out of its ponytail. 

"Hey, Adora. Are you okay?" she asked me. 

I swallowed down any nervousness that had arrived in the past few minutes. 

"Yeah, I'm okay," I said, "Thanks for checking up on me," I added. 

"It's what I do. I'm looking out for you, remember?" she reminded me, as she took a step forward to place a hand gently on my shoulder, as we looked on at the traps the group had created and waited for any more robots to arrive. "No robots are going to hurt you on my watch," she said. 

"Likewise," I said. 

Catra looked as though she was ready to argue that point, but she soon simply gave a nod of appreciation, which led me to smile. 

"Hey, Glimmer," Catra said, as Glimmer made her way over to the two of us, with Bow by her side. 

"Hi Catra," Glimmer replied, with a small smile. 

"Do you still have that drawing of Silver that you did earlier, just so we know exactly what we're looking out for?" Catra asked her. 

Glimmer nodded then and handed over the piece of paper, so that Bow, Catra and I could all get a good look at the robot that we were searching for. 

For The Honor of Grayskull (A Catradora Fanfiction)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt