23 ⚔️ Adora

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"Let's make our way over there, Sea Hawk," Mermista said, as her eyes settled on the robots that continued to move between the trees. How in Etheria were there so many of them?

"Your wish is my command," Sea Hawk replied, as he began to navigate the ship closer to the land again.

"We should be careful. The last time I saw a robot it teleported me away from the others... That's not to say that I'm not happy to see you all! Just... Word of warning," Perfuma said.

I thanked her and soon enough, we were back on dry land again, that was not to say that we had been away from it for long.

I felt my heat miss a beat as I considered the fact that if there were robots nearby, Catra could be with them.

"Adora...is everything okay? We have to keep moving. We need to make sure that Scorpia and Catra aren't with the- oh," Perfuma said, as we began to walk through the forest.

"Yeah," I replied, with a slight sigh.

As much as I wanted to see Catra, I was also concerned. Not only was I feeling worried that she might have been mixed up in all this robot business and I didn't do anything to stop it from happening but... I was also worried that she wouldn't want to talk to me anymore.

"Hey, everything is going to be okay!" Perfuma said with a warm smile.

As much as I was partially uplifted to hear such positive words, I couldn't help but notice the fact that dark purple clouds were moving in ahead and the rain was beginning to come down upon us.

In the distance, we heard faint screaming but it didn't sound human, not at all. It sounded robotic.

"Of course! If there's one thing that technology absolutely hates, then it's water," Mermista said, as she continued to move faster forward.

Sea Hawk was right beside her. The rest of us just tried to keep up.

The rain began to beat down more heavily and I heard Glimmer mumble that she wished she had brought her jacket, as her bubblegum-pink hair began to frizz.

I took my own hair out of its usual ponytail so it fell down around my shoulders. I then ran my hands through it and squinted, as I made our several shadowy figures in the distance. For a moment, at the thought of shadows, I wished that Shadow Weaver was still around. She would know what to do. She had been a pain during the vast majority of the time she had been around but...she was there for us when we needed her the most and I could never forget that, though I knew that Catra still held her grudges against the woman.

"Seriously...Entrapta couldn't have chosen to make all these robots in...I don't know, the summer, so we wouldn't all get drenched?" Glimmer asked with evident frustration in her voice.

Mermista's eyes shone with sympathy, as she looked back at her for a moment, but then she just gave a slight shake of her head.

"You're offending the water and as a mermaid...I am quite frankly insulted," Mermista said.

Glimmer's eyes flashed with concern, then, as an apologetic expression became present upon her face.

"Sorry, Mermista," she said.

"No big deal. Like I said before, the rain's probably a good thing. A lot of those bad robot guys aren't going to make it through this in one piece," Mermista said.

"Let's go! Full steam ahead!" Sea Hawk said.

Mermista raised an eyebrow at him but then shrugged.

"Yeah he's probably right. We should go," she said, as she began to walk onwards.

We continued to walk on through the woods until Mermista turned to me again.

"So what's the plan now, Adora?" she asked me.

I considered her question for a second.

"I... Honestly, I don't know. All I know is that there's a chance those robots have seen Entrapta, Catra or Scorpia and... We can't let them down. I won't let you guys down. If we need to fight the robots, then I'm ready," I said, as I put my hand on the hilt of my sword for a moment.

Well, She-ra would be able to get us out of this mess if we needed her. I had faith in that.

Mermista gave me a nod and we wandered closer to the robots and quickly ducked down behind some nearby boulders.

"Emily would love this!" Glimmer said with excitement, then.

"Who's Emily?" Mermista asked, as her eyes narrowed slightly.

"You know... Emily. Scorpia and Entrapta's robot friend," Perfuma explained in a whisper.

We really were trying not to attract the attention of any robots, if we could avoid it.

"Ah, right. I'm with you now. Well... It's probably a good thing that Entrapta made Emily 2.0 waterproof," Mermista said.

"How do you know that?" Bow whispered back.

Mermista shrugged.

"She told me once. Duh," she said.

"Wait a second... If she made Emily 2.0 waterproof then... There's a good chance these bots are, too," Glimmer said then, with concern in her voice.

A mouse scurried by nearby then and seemed to attract the attention of the robots, as a blast struck directly through the gap between the boulders that we were hidden behind.

The hairs on Bow's arm seemed to raise as he said, then, "Yikes."

Well, that was certainly one way of putting it.

"I'm going out there," I said.

"Adora, you can't," Glimmer said.

"I have to. I can do this, Glimmer," I said.

As I made my way out from behind the rock, I said the words loud and clear, "For the honor of Grayskull!".

The robots turned my way, then and their eyes narrowed slightly.

A small blue bird approached from nearby and the robots got distracted for a moment, until they turned back to me again.

"Intruder alert," they said.

"I am not an intruder. I am She-ra and I demand that you leave these woods alone for the sake of myself and my friends! These woods are ours," I said.

"These woods are yours?" one of the smaller robots asked.

"Damn right," I said, "Now where are my friends? Where are Catra and Scorpia?" I demanded.

The robot's eyes narrowed slightly, as it considered my question. Suddenly, a lot of beeping seemed to occur between the robots, as they all asked each other my question.

"The one you call Catra is..." they began.

"Yes?" I asked.

"The one you call Catra is gone," the robot finished.

I felt the blood in my veins run cold, then.

Gone? Where had Catra gone? More to the point, what had these fools done with her?

For The Honor of Grayskull (A Catradora Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now