29 ⚔️ Adora

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At least, everything felt alright temporarily, until Catra's claws began to dig into my arm while she lay in my lap. 

"Catra...do you think that maybe you could lighten your grip?" I asked her, as I released a nervous laugh. 

"Sorry," she grumbled, as she put her claws away for a moment, "I'm still mad at you for leaving me but...thank you for helping me out, again, even if you were so incredibly stupid for leaving me in the first place." 

"I know," I said, as I felt my voice break. Why did I have to get so emotional around Catra? Oh yeah, I knew why, because she was Catra. 

"Everything's going to be fine, now, right? I mean, Entrapta sorted out a load of the robots," Mermista said, as she wandered over to us. 

"I sure did!" Entrapta said, as her eyes lit up with excitement. 

Catra and I soon stood up off the ground. Catra lost balance momentarily and fell into my shoulder, as I placed a hand on the small of her back to steady her. She quickly hit my hand away, though, so it was safe to say that the two of us were still having difficulties. Of course, this was Catra, I supposed that I couldn't really expect for everything to go back to normal right away. 

"So, let's get going!" Mermista said energetically, as she began to lead the way ahead with Sea Hawk by her side. 

"Where on earth are we going with the taller than average mermaid and the guy who thinks his life is a musical?" Catra whispered to me, as we wandered after them. 

I suppressed a giggle, as I glanced towards her. 

"We're going home," I said. 

Catra's eyes narrowed then. 

"Oh no, we're not," Catra said, as she took a step away from me. 

"Catra?" Scorpia said, as she glanced towards her when she walked over to join the two of us. 

Catra looked towards Scorpia then and sighed. 

"Ugh. Fine," she said, as she looked back towards me, "But I am not doing this for you," she declared. 

"Right, right. Of course, you're not," I said in return, as I folded my arms in front of my chest and simply watched Catra for a couple of seconds. I really wasn't sure what to say to her, which was unfortunate because usually I had so much that I wanted to say but right now, I knew that she was mad at me. It was safe to say that made things slightly difficult.  

Catra quickened the pace at which she was walking to keep up with Scorpia, then. 

In the meantime, Glimmer came to walk beside me. 

We carried on until we reached the beach and the sky began to lighten up again. Sunrise. Usually when sunrise came around, I felt a little more optimistic. Right now, though, I felt terrible. Catra was being well...Catra again and I hadn't exactly done anything to make her like me of late. Apart from, of course, saving her life from evil robots but you know, some people could be so ungrateful. 

"You know, when we get back, I think I might make myself a new top. You know, blue is totally my colour, obviously but I'm getting a little tired of wearing the same thing all the time. It's exhausting, you get me, Perfuma?" Mermista asked, as she sat next to Perfuma once we got back to Sea Hawk's boat. We didn't set sail for a little while, so I took an opportunity to watch the golden sun rise on the horizon, as we remained docked near the sandy beach. 

Perfuma was distracted by making flowers grow from the palm of her hand. 

"Perfuma!" Mermista yelled, in order to get her attention. 

"Oh yeah, no, totally," Perfuma said, as she placed a new lilac flower in  her hair. 

Mermista sighed in agitation, as she walked over to Bow. 

In the meantime, Perfuma wandered over to Scorpia to give her a red rose. I felt the corner of my lips twitch up slightly, as I watched Scorpia blush. 

"Thank you, flower princess," Scorpia said. 

Perfuma simply beamed back at her. 

"Well, let's see where to go next!" Sea Hawk said, as he began to look through one of his ship's telescopes. 

As he did so, Glimmer brushed some of my hair over my shoulder. 

"Are you okay, Adora?" she asked me, as her eyes sparkled with wonder and she smiled one of those charming royal smiles. When she did that, she looked so much like her mother, Angella and like her father, king Micah, too. 

I returned her smile because even though my thoughts remained on the subject of my relationship with Catra, which currently felt as though it was hanging on by a thread, Glimmer's smile was infectious. I couldn't remain too serious, even if I tried. 

"I will be. You know me, I'm always coming up with ways to get over problems! And my current situation with Catra is just another obstacle...we've already been through plenty," I added. 

Glimmer's eyes flickered with concern, then. 

"You don't sound very convinced," she told me. 

I sighed. 

"I guess I'm just worried," I said. 

Glimmer gave my forehead a gentle poke then. 

"Hey!" I said. 

Glimmer's eyes widened with a slightly apologetic glint in them. 

"Sorry...you were just scaring me. I hate seeing my friends sad! Don't worry though, Adora. Bow and I have your back. Bow!" Glimmer hissed in his direction, until her eventually looked our way. He released a nervous chuckle and then made his way over to us. 

"What is it, sweetheart?" he asked. 

"We have Adora's back, right?" Glimmer asked him then. 

Bow's warm eyes became gentler as a wide grin spread across his face. 

"Of course, we do, Adora!" he said, as he placed a hand on my shoulder, "Forever and always," he added. 

I smiled at the two of them, then, until I spotted Catra sat alone...well, not completely alone, Melog was nearby her. 

"I think I'm going to go and speak to Catra," I said decisively. 

Bow and Glimmer nodded, then and I soon bid them a quick farewell, before making my way over to Catra to sit down next to her. 

For The Honor of Grayskull (A Catradora Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now