14 ⚔️ Adora

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"It's getting kind of late, guys. Maybe we should rest up for the night," Bow suggested, as his eyes glanced up towards the stunning moon and stars in the sky above. The sky was progressively darker and I supposed that he probably did have a good point. Not only that, but there was a bitter edge to the air around us and all it really made me want to do was find shelter as soon as possible. 

"It looks like it's going to start raining soon," Glimmer said, as her eyes scanned the sky. 

She probably had a good point. As I observed the stars starting to disappear due to the clouds moving in front of them, I realised that we wouldn't have long before the rain would begin to hammer down. 

"See! This is why I both love and hate fall! We're going to become human puddles," Glimmer said. 

"Unless," I began to say, "We seek shelter at Madame Razz's?" I suggested. 

Glimmer and Bow locked gazes for a moment, as they seemed to silently determine something. 

"You know what? That might just be a good idea, Adora," Bow told me, as we began to walk in the direction of Madame Razz's again. 

"Thank you. I do try," I said, as I felt the corner of my lips twitch up a little. I really was glad that I had brought along my best friends, even though I knew that I was going to be in for it with Catra as soon as we saw each other again. 

Eventually we returned to Madame Razz's and swiftly set up camp. 

"Really, though? Did Entrapta have to get taken away by robots in fall, of all seasons? Why couldn't she have chosen a warmer time of year?" Glimmer said in her frustration. 

I just gave her a sympathetic look, as I began to cuddle up on one of the sofas in Madame Razz's main sitting room. 

"Either way...maybe I should have come out here by myself. After all, I'm queen and my people depend on me. Entrapta depends on me...I never wanted to drag you two into mess again, especially after Horde Prime and me getting captured..." Glimmer began to say. 

Bow gave a slight shake of his head, as he exhaled. He made his way over to Glimmer and placed his hands gently on her shoulders. 

"Glimmer, don't be silly. We're The Best Friend Squad. It's our job to stick together! I will always be by your side," Bow said. 

"I don't know, you guys..." Glimmer began to say. 

"Glimmer, Bow's right," I said. 

Glimmer looked towards me then and met my gaze for several moments before she eventually gave a nod of her head. She then provided me with a charming smile, which I returned. 

"You know what? You're right. I'm lucky to have such a great friend like you, Adora..." she began to say and then turned to Bow, "And I'm lucky to have an incredibly loyal boyfriend like you, Bow." 

"Always," Bow said, with a sweet smile. 

Shortly after that, the three of us tried to get to sleep. 'Tried' being the operative word because the sounds of birds squawking loudly outside the house were really preventing us from sleeping soundly. 

Glimmer moved her head into Bow's chest and groaned in irritation. 

"Adora...can you shut them up?" she asked me. 

"I mean...I could but it's cold out there," I said. 

Glimmer sighed. 

"Fine. I'll do it," she said, as she moved off Bow's chest. 

Bow quickly grabbed her wrist. 

"Wait. What are you going to do?" he asked her. 

"Relax," Glimmer said, "I'll just scare them away with my sparkles." 

Bow's eyes flashed with amusement for a moment, before he shrugged and allowed Glimmer to independently walk out of Madame Razz's home in an attempt to ward off our noisy and uninvited guests. 

Once Glimmer returned, a grin became present on her face. 

"There we go! They're all gone now!" she said. 

Glimmer's smile lasted a few more moments, until she realised that Bow was fast asleep. 

She walked over to me and sat down beside me, so she could meet my gaze for a moment. 

"Hey, I know you feel bad about leaving Catra behind but...it's all going to be alright, Adora. I promise. You two always work things out, right?" she reminded me, "I can imagine that Catra's already making plans to forgive you as we speak. She probably realised that it was the right idea, too, you know? After all, the more of us that come on this mission, the more of us there are that could get in trouble," Glimmer said. 

Although Glimmer may have had a good point, I couldn't help but feel bad about leaving Catra behind. I should have been there for her. I should have been there with her! I knew then that I missed her more than I had ever missed anyone or anything in my life but still...she was going to be so mad at me for leaving her, I wasn't even sure if she would have wanted to speak to me, if I decided to return home to get her. 

"I can understand Catra getting mad, you know? Maybe I should have let her come with us-" 

"Adora- you're overthinking things. Listen, we're going to navigate these woods, we're going to find Entrapta and everything is going to be just fine!" Glimmer said enthusiastically, "I promise you. We have each other and we are amazing," she added. "I wonder what the others are up to at the palace now, though. I hope they're not mad that we left them." 

"Catra's probably explained the situation to them," I said. 

"Is that a good thing?" Glimmer asked quietly. 

I simply gave her a look. 

Glimmer's eyes widened slightly, then. 

"What I meant to say was- that's great! Amazing! We'll be back home soon enough," Glimmer said, with a tone of promise in her voice. 

"Of course, we will," I said, "But for now we should probably sleep." 

Glimmer gave a slight nod of her head in agreement, then. 

"Indeed we should," she said. 

"Goodnight, Glimmer," I said. 

"Goodnight, Adora," she replied. 

Even though I hadn't expected to be able to sleep, slowly but surely, my eyes began to flutter closed. 

For The Honor of Grayskull (A Catradora Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now