17 🐈 Catra

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"If Entrapta was taken by a bad robot then... What do we do now?" Perfuma asked, as intrigue flickered in her eyes.

I thought on her question for a moment. If Entrapta was taken, we couldn't simply stay at the castle and wonder what we were going to do next. We needed to act with haste.

"We are going to have to go and retrieve her from said
robot. I promised myself that I would get this done, no matter what. Besides, we have to go and catch up with Adora. She has no idea what she's up against," I said.

Perfuma and Scorpia both nodded then. I just smiled at the both of them. It was a really good thing that they were coming with me. I had gone up against several villains multiple times in the past alone but... It never hurt to have company. Perhaps Adora was right. Maybe I really did need to stop being so incredibly stubborn. It didn't change the fact that my heart raced when I thought about the fact that she had left me. The blood coursing through my veins warmed slightly and it wasn't until Scorpia broke the silence again that I was broken from my thoughts.

"Hey Catra. We can do this," she told me, as warmth flickered through her expression.

Her kind words made me smile.

"And I can tell that you're worried about Adora and everything and-"

I quietly growled then, as I made to deny Scorpia's claims.

"I am not worried about her," I stated matter-of-factly, "Adora left me!" I said. I really wished that my voice hadn't cracked so much when I said that.

"I know... I'm sorry. I shouldn't have brought her up. I know that... Anyway, the point is that everything is going to be okay, Catra. You are not alone," Scorpia said.

Perfuma's eyes shimmered with agreement then, as she stepped closer to the two of us and gave a nod of her head.

"Scorpia's right, Catra. You don't have to face this all by yourself. You have two friends right by your side," Perfuma said, as a smile as sweet as the flowers she could form appeared on her face.

I tried to fight the smile that was working its way onto my face but ultimately failed. I supposed that I really was glad that I had Scorpia and Perfuma on my side.

"Thank you," I managed to mutter, as I began to lead the way out of Entrapta's lab. I really hoped that she hadn't got too far. More to the point, I was also hoping that she hadn't been torn limb from limb by whatever robotic creation she had made this time around. As I walked, I sighed aloud. I supposed I could have trusted Entrapta to get into a mess like this. Nevertheless, it was okay. Team Catra had launched their rescue mission and we were now all in it together to go and get Entrapta back and bring her to safety.

Ugh. Adora. She was the reason why I had gone so soft. I felt my fingers curl up slightly, as my mind even registered her name. However, this was not the time to overly-concern myself in such matters.

As we walked down the palace hall, I made out a small white blur creep by in the corner of my eye and instantly my hairs spiked up on my arm.

Scorpia seemed to sense that something had perturbed me.

"Catra... Is everything okay?" she asked me.

"It's nothing. I thought I just heard a..." I trailed off.

"Mouse!" Perfuma yelled, as she jumped up into Scorpia's arms.

Scorpia quickly caught her and a blush broke out on her face.

"What? Where?" I quickly asked, as I felt my senses go on high alert. My eyes scanned the scene until they settled on a tiny mouse nearby and I instantly jumped up.

"Catra! Are you good? What is it?" Scorpia asked me. She paused for a few moments until a small smirk began to form on her face and she then raised an eyebrow at both Perfuma and I. "Alright. I see what's happening here. You two are scared of mice. Aren't you? Isn't that..." Scorpia began to ask, as a laugh escaped her lips, "Just ever so slightly ironic?" she asked me, this time around.

Perfuma sighed as she promptly put herself down on solid ground again.

"I love all creatures and plants of Etheria alike but I really don't like mice," Perfuma said.

"Why's that, Perfuma? Did a mouse attack your family? Is it personal now?" I teased, as a gentle smirk formed on my face while our trip continued to walk down the palace hallway.

Perfuma's big doe eyes narrowed at me, then. Even when she was trying to be intimidating, though, she still happened to have this incredibly adorable look about her.

Of course, Adora was much more adorable. It was sort of in her name. I sighed put of pure frustration as my mind settled on her again. I needed to stop thinking about her. I would see her again soon and then the two of us could have a proper conversation about all of this because this was the last time that this was going to happen.

"I mean, you can't exactly talk, Catra," Perfuma spoke, then, as she pulled my thoughts back to our previous conversation, "I mean... What kind of cat girl is afraid of a little mouse?" she asked me.

I groaned.

"Okay, okay. Point taken," I said.

The three of us soon got to the palace doors.

"Are we ready to go?" Scorpia asked, then.

I took a few seconds to consider her question.

"Maybe not just yet," I replied, "If we are going up against some crazy robot guy then we will need weapons," I said.

"Right. Right," Scorpia said with a supportive smile.

The three of us then began to make our way towards Queen Glimmer's training room, where a selection of weapons, including Bow's many bows and arrows could be found. Bingo.

For The Honor of Grayskull (A Catradora Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now