11⚔️ Adora

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"Are you okay, Adora?" Bow asked me, for the third time as our trio walked on through the Whispering Woods. 

The sun could just barely be made out through the thinning leaves of the trees above us. The day felt as though it was going on forever, but then Catra and I did have a huge fight earlier. I had wanted to turn back and apologise to her more than anything but...we needed to find Entrapta and we needed to find her before she got eaten by some crazy robotic creation or worse. At least the sky was a bright blue above us. I looked towards it for a moment to try to instill some sense of hope in myself that everything would eventually be okay between Catra and I again but I really wasn't all too sure if I could do it. 

"This is useless! It's going to be night time by the time we get anywhere through these damn woods," Glimmer cried. 

Bow gave her a look of sympathy but I was feeling far less sympathetic. 

"Glimmer, we have to go on. We can get some food once we get to Madame Razz's-" 

"Who's that?" Bow and Glimmer asked simultaneously. 

"I'll recap you on the way but we have to keep going! Entrapta needs our help," I said, "Besides, it's a warm day..." I started to say, before a bitter chill brushed past us and caused the hairs to stand up on my arms, "Sort of," I added. 

 "Don't worry, Adora. We're with you," Bow told me, with a warmth to his voice, "Right, Glimmer?" he asked her.

Glimmer turned to Bow then and the pupils of her eyes grew a fraction. 

"Right. Always. That's what we're here for, Adora. You're our friend," Glimmer said. 

Bow moved a little closer to me and wrapped his arm around my shoulders, as we walked on, with his other free arm, he reached out to Glimmer to take her hand in his. 

"And I'm sure that soon enough, this whole situation with Catra will be a distant memory," he tried to tell me. 

I managed to smile back at him, even though I sort of wished that he hadn't reminded me of the whole situation with Catra once again.

We continued to walk on for a short while. I was beginning to feel a little more optimistic about things, before the rain began to come down heavily from above. 

"Shelter!" Glimmer yelled, as she rushed over to a tree to duck down under it. 

Bow looked towards me and merely shrugged, before rushing over to Glimmer. 

I decided it was probably best for me to join them. I didn't really feel like becoming a walking puddle. I supposed that was one of the things about fall in Etheria,  the weather could be far too unpredictable.

 As we sat tucked away in the trees for cover, I noticed a shiny piece of metal out of the corner of my eye and quickly made my way over to it. 

Bow and Glimmer soon joined me. 

"Adora, what is that?" Glimmer asked. 

I glanced up  to meet her violet eyes and then gave a thoughtful response. 

"I think it might be a robot part," I said. 

Bow and Glimmer met each other's gazes for a moment, with a hint of curiosity in their stares. They soon looked back at me. 

"Maybe you're right...I mean, that would make sense, given that Entrapta's a total technology nerd," Glimmer stated. 

I smirked at that. I admired Entrapta's fascination with technology, though. It was good that she had a passion for something! 

"And there's something that I may not have told you two earlier," I admitted. 

Glimmer raised an eyebrow at me, then. 

"What haven't you told us, Adora?" she asked. 

"When Catra and I were searching the labs in the palace earlier...we may have found a robot," I said. 

Glimmer's eyes widened to the size of dinner plates. 

"WHAT?" she asked. 

"Precisely. We found a robot and then we managed to...talk to the robot?" I said. 

"Okay, nothing too surprising thus far," Bow said. 

"The robot's called Fifi," I said. 

Bow burst into laughter at that, as tears began to come out of his eyes. 

"Fifi? Fifi the robot? That's really- that's really something. That's-" he cut off. 

Glimmer just nudged him slightly. 

"Bow, please concentrate. I want to listen to what Adora has to say here," Glimmer said. 

I paused for a moment, as a bird fluttered over our heads, and then went on to telling Bow and Glimmer all about what I had seen and heard. 

"So...Entrapta is just gone?" Bow asked. 

"Well, she is for now, but we can find her. Right, Adora?" Glimmer asked me, as the rain began to ease up overhead again. 

Bow observed my features for a moment. 

"I know that look. Adora isn't going to give up until we find Entrapta and get her back to the palace safely. Right, Adora?" he asked me. 

"Right," I said, as I felt a little more confidence creep into my tone. 

"I brought my quill with me!" Glimmer said, then. 

"Meaning?" Bow asked, as he regarded his girlfriend with genuine interest. 

"Meaning that Adora can give me a description of what Fifi the robot looks like and we can then...I don't know. I can draw it and we might get a better idea of what we're looking for," Glimmer said. 

"Right, right...how many robots are we presuming to be in Etheria in this plan exactly?" Bow asked then. 

Glimmer face-palmed for a second. 

"Just concentrate, Bow!" Glimmer reminded him. 

"Right, right," Bow said in return. 

As we walked on, Bow met me with a sympathetic expression once again, as Glimmer went up ahead slightly. 

"Are you okay, Adora? I mean...I can't imagine that arguing with Catra again was the easiest thing to go through. I'm here if you want to talk to anyone about it," he told me. 

"Thanks, Bow," I replied. 

He gave a slight nod, before quickening the pace of his steps so he could catch up with Glimmer again. 

It did suck to have fallen out with Catra again. It always did. Nevertheless, I knew that I was so incredibly lucky to have two wonderful friends on my side. 

For The Honor of Grayskull (A Catradora Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now