18 ⚔️ Adora

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As I glanced towards the piece of metal in the woods, Bow and Glimmer halted in their steps, too. 

"Is that-" Glimmer began to say. 

"Another robot part?" Bow asked. 

"It sure seems that way. Whatever or whoever has taken Entrapta looks as though they're falling apart pretty seriously. We keep finding parts everywhere," I replied matter-of-factly. "No matter what, we have to find her. We need to help Entrapta out," I said. We had to. I was a princess too, now. I had to take my duties seriously. That included looking out for my fellow princesses, who also happened to be some of my greatest friends. The sooner we got back the lavender-haired technophile, the better. 

Bow gave me a warm smile and a gentle nod of encouragement. 

"Then let's keep going, Adora! We've got this!" he assured me. I really was thankful that Bow was there. While Glimmer and Bow were both equally great, Bow's words of inspiration had often helped me get through some pretty tough situations. 

"The point is...we need to find her soon, before some crazy robot can rip her limb from limb," I stated. 

Glimmer and Bow winced simultaneously, then. I grimaced at my own words. 

The three of us continued to walk on through the deep woods until we were on the path leading out away from Bright Moon. Glimmer moved a little closer, so that she was walking right beside me. Bow was following along on the other side. As we walked on, Glimmer began to speak again. 

"Don't worry, Adora. I'm sure we'll find her, together," Glimmer said, as she gently placed a hand upon my shoulder. I had to admit that I did feel comforted by the fact that I had my two best friends with me. This whole venture into the woods wouldn't have been a lot of fun without them, mostly because the concept of wandering into the forest in search of some large robot creature didn't exactly sound thrilling. "Now, lead the way," she said. 

I registered the kindness in her eyes and gave a nod of determination. 

"We can do this," Glimmer said with zeal, as we continued on down the curvy path. 

Of course, not one out of the three of us truly had a clue where we were going. Perhaps I should have spent more time asking Fifi for clarification over the whole Entrapta's disappearance thing. 

Despite my nerves, I swallowed and made my legs continue to carry me onward.

When I paused momentarily, Bow just gave me a friendly smile. 

"Is everything okay, Adora?" he asked me. 

"Yeah...let's just look around this area. There might be more clues," I said. 

Glimmer and Bow glanced towards each other for a second, before giving murmurs of agreement. So, the three of us continued to look around the area momentarily, but to no avail. There weren't any more clues about the Entrapta situation, just a load of trees and a large wall at the end of the path that looked as though it was sealing us in. Of course, the wall hadn't been built like that. Something or someone must have knocked it over. 

"Bingo," I said, as I continued onwards. 

Bow and Glimmer's eyes flickered with wonder for a moment but they soon followed suit. 

As we stood surveilling the area, Glimmer's violet eyes shone with transparent interest. 

"Now, if we know there's one evil robot, are there more out there?" Glimmer inquired. 

I felt my expression settle a little, as I began to consider it. I soon gave a slight nod of my head. I knew that it was a possibility. Unfortunately. I really had hoped that this rescue mission was going to be easier but it seemed that wasn't the case. 

"Do you think whatever took Entrapta caused that wall to fall over?" Bow asked me. 


Before I could answer Bow's question, my thoughts were disrupted amid the blare of a bright light nearby. Soon, a portal opened a short distance away and a familiar blonde appeared. She got up off the grass and then placed a hand to her head. 

"Perfuma?!" Bow and I asked in unison. 

"Really?! How did she just randomly appear?" Glimmer yelled, as her eyes widened slightly. 

Perfuma seemed to rub her head as though she had received a bruise from her fall. That wouldn't surprise me, in all honesty, the portal had opened a little distance above the ground. Eventually she straightened up a little and her soft doe eyes began to glance between the three of us. 

"Bow...Adora...Glimmer?" Perfuma asked, "I am so glad to see you guys but...I should probably warn you now that Scorpia and Catra are probably in big trouble." 

I felt my heart lurch in my chest, then. 

"Why are they in trouble, Perfuma?" I asked. 

"I don't remember much but...all I know is that before I got here, Scorpia, Catra and I had begun to navigate the woods in search of Entrapta and the robot or whatever that had taken her...we soon found a robot but then it kind of pointed this thing at me and it sent me back here. Somehow," she said, as her eyebrows crinkled together as though still wondering how on earth she had even got here. 

"Damn, these robots are advanced," Bow said. He quickly continued, as he saw the worried look in Perfuma's eyes, "The important thing is that we're all here and we're all together!". 

I placed a hand to my chest, as I exhaled. 

"As much as it's great to see you again, Perfuma, I can't help but worry about what's going to happen to Scorpia and Catra now. I knew I shouldn't have left. I should have figured that Catra would just start her own mission. That's just the way she is," I said. 

"We can't stand here worrying about it, though, Adora. We have to keep moving. I think I have some idea about where Scorpia, Catra and I were last...if we can get back there, then we can find them. We have to help them. Besides, I know that the one robot that took Entrapta isn't exactly our primary concern. There are far, far, more things to be worried about," Perfuma said. 

Glimmer pinched the bridge of her nose. "Great," she grumbled. 

I considered it for a moment and then gave a nod of my head. It was worth a try. 

"Alright, then," I said, "Let's go." 

For The Honor of Grayskull (A Catradora Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now