30 🐈 Catra

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As we boarded Sea Hawk's boat, I wasn't sure who to talk to. I still felt pretty damn disorientated but a lot of that was probably down to the fact that I had been mind controlled by a robot at one point. Damn it. How many times was this going to happen to me? The fact that Adora had been there to save me...only served to further humiliate me. I was supposed to have a handle on these things myself! I didn't need her. I never did. 

I decided to hide in the corner of the deck of the boat while we remained docked at the beach and simply waited until Melog approached me. 

I felt the corner of my lips twitch up instinctively, then, as I reached out a hand to pet the cuddly creature. At least, Melog was adorable most of the time. I seemed to have a key influence on Melog's emotions. When I was angry, the cat was angry. That was why, although I was still incredibly annoyed about the whole Adora situation, I tried to keep calm. I couldn't lie, it wasn't exactly the easiest of tasks and I was still so set on not forgiving her for leaving me again but when she began to approach me, I knew that I was going to have to at least try to have a conversation with her. 

Adora's eyes flickered with something that I believed was determination for a moment, before she began to speak. 

"Hey Catra," she said, as she came to sit down beside me. I simply budged up a little, so that there was still a comfortable amount of space between the two of us.  

"Don't even try to make small talk with me, Adora. 'Hey Catra, nice weather we're having today, aren't we? I am so glad that I was there to be a hero again! Now everyone can give me plenty of compliments again! It's unfortunate that I left Catra again but I mean...did you see how badass I looked when I took down those robots?'" I began to say, in the most mocking tone of voice that I could muster. 

Adora sighed, then, as she ran her hands through her golden blonde hair. 

"Look Catra, I am sorry for leaving you but-" she began to say but I had honestly already heard enough. 

"But what? But you won't do it again? Newsflash, Adora, I've kind of heard that one before...and you still left me, so, forgive me if I'm not exactly the most trusting of you right now," I stated. 

Adora's eyes flashed with an apologetic glint, then. 

"I am sorry. I never meant to make you feel forgotten or not cared about or abandoned! Or any of those things. I thought that it would be a simple mission and that I would be back soon enough and-" 

"And you still left without me, princess. That's not cool," I said, as I felt my eyebrows crease together in my mild irritation. Well, mild was certainly an upgrade from being outright furious, which I had been when Adora had first left me for Bow and Glimmer.

 "I was over-ambitious. I thought I could save everyone and end a problem but in leaving you behind, I just caused another one," Adora said. 

"Well, I'm sorry for being your problem," I grumbled, as I stood up then and began to walk away with Melog, who nuzzled against my leg. 

"You're not my problem!" Adora called out, then. 

Everyone's eyes were on us now. I shifted a little uncomfortably and felt my jaw twitch, but I decided to ignore them. 

"Why don't you get it, Adora? I would do anything for you!" I said passionately then, as I felt the tears begin to prick up in my eyes again. 

Sea Hawk had begun to set the ship sailing again. I supposed he had wanted to take people's attention away from what should have been mine and Adora's private argument. 

"Why isn't it that you would do anything for me?" I asked then. 

"Because I have to be realistic, Catra! We can't always be together, when Etheria is in danger. After all, I'm She-ra and you're-" 

I rolled my eyes then. 

"Oh, I get it...you think you're better than everyone else because you're Princess Adora AKA She-ra and you think everyone is just going to go along with your little plans," I said, as I felt my shoulders tense as well as my jaw, this time around. 

Adora just pinched the bridge of her nose. 

"I wasn't supposed to get involved in this," she said, "I was supposed to be studying this year...I was supposed to learn how to be a real princess. I was supposed to be better." 

"I don't want 'better'. I just want you to realise that I'm important, too, Adora. It would be nice to be made a priority at least once in a while," I expressed. 

Adora didn't say a word after that, her eyes just shone with an apologetic undercurrent. 

Eventually, Sea Hawk had got us back to Bright Moon and we all wandered into the palace again. Most people were glad to be back, I simply walked back to mine and Adora's room with Melog and buried my face in my bed's pillow. Ugh. Even this smelt like Adora. I felt tempted to throw the pillow against the wall but I ended up just letting my tears drop onto it. It had been a really, really long day. 

When Adora returned to our room, she began to frantically organise the shelves and well, everything else in the room. I believed that this was what happened when she felt as though she had lost control over a situation. It was one of the ways that she could get control again, even if it was only over something small. 

"Hey, there's a book here that I haven't seen before," she said. 

I looked towards her then, suddenly alert. 

In her hands was my diary. 

"Wait, Adora, don't-" 

"Weird. This page is dated a few months back. 'Why is Adora the single most frustrating girl I have ever had the misfortune of knowing? It's a shame. She does look pretty good in her She-ra outfit, though...her hair's all flowy and she's so gorgeous...which is also a bad thing! Anyway, why am I even thinking about this?" Adora read and as she read, her eyes widened with surprise and amusement. 

I quickly grabbed the diary out of her hands then and growled under my breath. 

"Shut up, Adora. It so does not say that," I said. 

"Actually, it does. You can check it yourself," she said, as she folded her arms in front of her chest and smirked. 

I rolled my eyes and turned to the page to find that she was correct. 

I just buried my face in the pillow again to hide the blush that was working its way onto my cheeks. It was going to be a long morning. 

For The Honor of Grayskull (A Catradora Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now