46 🐈 Catra

270 8 17

"Alright," I began to say, as I glanced towards Adora and the robot that had recently joined the two of us, "So we can trust this one." 

Adora gave me an affirming nod. 

"But there's still plenty more out there. Let's just end this," I said decisively, as I took a step forward then. 

Adora grabbed a hold of my forearm, though, to pause me. I turned back to her with a look of intrigue. 

"Hey, Catra. Don't look so sad. We're in this together, aren't we?" she reminded me, "I'm right there with you. We've got this," she told me. 

I felt a little comforted by her words and nodded in agreement. As long as we were together, I knew that I could be perfectly content. 

"Yeah, of course. In this together," I said, as my voice lilted a little, "Always." 

Adora touched a hand to her chest and smiled warmly at me. It was a simple expression but it was enough to reassure me that we could do this. We would do this.  I reached out to gently play with Adora's hair and her pupils dilated a little, large black circles against the sapphire blue of her irises. I could have probably become even more distracted by Adora's beautiful eyes but I knew that we had a mission to do here. It wasn't the time. There would be plenty of time for me to be all lovey-dovey with Adora later. Right now, we had some robot ass to kick. Again. I sighed. When would it end? 

I supposed that the situation wasn't truly that dire, though. It allowed for Adora and I to have some time to work together. Nothing helped a relationship develop better than some good, old fashioned team work, I had always found. 

Adora leant forward slightly, which caused my breath to hitch. She gently brushed at the skin of my collar and then smiled contentedly. 

"You had a leaf caught in your collar. It's gone now. You're welcome," she said. She made to pull her hand away but I quickly grabbed a hold of it. 

"Er...Adora..." I started to say. 

"Yeah?" she asked, as she appeared to be as distracted as I was. 

"Thank you," I told her. 

Adora simply gave a nod. 

"You're welcome," she said, as she winked at me. 

I just bit my bottom lip, as my eyes glanced down towards hers. 

"Not the time," I muttered under my breath, as I turned away from her to look ahead, only to find a metallic figure approaching us in the not-so-far-away distance. 

When I turned back to Adora, I found that she was still looking at me as though she was hypnotised. 

"Er, Adora?" I said, with a nervous laugh. 

Adora just gave a shake of her head then. 

"Yeah. Yeah?" she asked. 

"Big scary robot guy at twelve o'clock," I said. 

"Ah! Gotcha!" Adora said, as she prepared herself for its arrival. She bounced on the balls of her feet. "I'm ready! I was born ready! I've got this," she said. 

"Adora," I said. 

"Right, right. We can do this, Catra," she said, as she calmed down slightly. 

I took a step closer to her, then, and squeezed her hand gently in mine. 

Adora glanced down at our interlocked hands momentarily and smiled. 

"Of course, we are," I assured her. 

"You help out the others. I'm going to go for this guy," she said, as she gave me a gentle kiss upon the cheek and began to rush onwards. 

I sighed, as she had left me again, but I decided that it would be best for me to help out Entrapta, who I soon wandered over to help rewire some of the robots.

I worked with Entrapta for some time, as I observed Adora fight off some of the bots in the distance, while the others worked on rewiring them. However, this only lasted for so long before I returned my attention to helping out Entrapta. 

"I know we can do this!" she said excitedly, "My bots are coming home!" 

"Indeed they are," I said, as I glanced at Adora and felt some concern grow in my chest. 

I mean...why was I so worried? She would be fine, probably. 

I returned my attention to the task at hand but promptly froze when I heard Adora cry out nearby. 

"Adora!" I yelled, as I rushed over to her, with Bow and Glimmer by my side. 

She had been knocked to the ground by one of the robots. 

Bow and Glimmer worked on disabling the robot, while I collected Adora into my arms. 

"Adora!" I yelled again. 

Adora's eyes were closed and I had to wonder hopelessly for a second whether she was going to be okay. 

My heart beat raced as I felt fears flood through my body, freezing me in place. 

All I could do was stare down at Adora and hope. 

"Adora! You have to wake up!" I exclaimed, as anxiety filled my voice. I winced a little at the sound of my own voice but I didn't care for it right now. 

All that mattered was Adora. 

I couldn't believe that this thing had hurt her so badly!

I stood up then, ready to pounce on it. I was ready to hurt it for hurting my Adora. 

However, before I could do anything, I felt a familiarly warm touch upon my wrist. 

"Catra. Wait," Adora said, as her eyes fluttered open again.

"Adora!" I yelled, as I dropped to the ground beside her. 

"Look at me, alright? I'm okay. It just...knocked me out a little. I'm honestly okay. I promise," Adora told me. 

I just stared at her. 

"Catra, I'm okay," she assured me. 

As I registered the truth in her words, I felt my heart begin to quicken again, but this time it was out of relief. 

"Thank goodness," I said, as I closed the distance between us to place my lips against Adora's. 

As I kissed her, I felt relief wash over me. Adora was okay. She was safe and more importantly, she was alive. 

She kissed me back and tangled her soft hands in my hair.

I soon helped her to her feet, so the two of us  could make our way back to the palace, with the help of Bow and Glimmer, too. 

For The Honor of Grayskull (A Catradora Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now