7 ⚔️ Adora

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After Bow and I had returned to the palace, I had meant to walk off in search of Glimmer to tell her that we hadn't had much luck in the forest. There wasn't much in there...apart from a lot of trees. We had planted a load more after the battle with Horde Prime. It had been like a best friend squad summer project. 

"Glimmer's probably taking a nap in her room. I'll go and talk to her!" Bow said, but then paused after he had observed the expression on my face, "You know, unless you'd rather I stay here with you," he added. 

"That's okay, Bow. You can go," I told him. 

He gave a nod of his head, then, and made his way off down the corridor. 

In his absence, I made my way back towards my room and found that it was empty. I needed to find Catra. I needed to talk to her and more importantly, I needed to listen to her, even when her opinions didn't align with my own.  Perfuma had mediated our relationship enough times now for me to know what I needed to do. Catra had asked if she wasn't good enough for me but she was more than good enough. We may not have always agreed on everything but she had wanted to be there to help me and I had pushed her away again. Perhaps it was I who was really the bad girlfriend. 

I eventually found Catra sat facing Scorpia in the dining hall. I began to make my way over to them and Scorpia looked up to give me a smile but Catra had her eyes trained on the plate of chicken in front of her. 

"Catra..." I began to say. 

"Did you hear something, Scorpia?" Catra asked her. 

Scorpia sighed. 

"I'm not getting involved," she said, as she put her claws up and then left the table. 

I exhaled in slight concern and then sat down opposite Catra. 

"Catarina...I am sorry. I should have listened to you," I said. 

Catra looked up at me, then. I knew that if there was one way to get her attention, then it was to use her full name and it had seemed like that solution had worked. 

"We're twenty-one now and...I think that I need to start listening to you more. I mean, that's what caused so many problems in the first place, isn't it? The fact that the whole time we had been fighting each other when really...we just need to talk things out," I said. 

Catra wasn't paying attention anymore, her gaze had returned to the plate of chicken in front of her, which she began to eat. Eventually, she took a pause in her eating and looked back up at me again. 

"I'm dedicated to trying to work things out, Adora, but I can't do that if you're going to abandon me to go and play in the forest with other people," Catra said. 

I gave her an apologetic look, then. 

"I didn't mean to abandon you," I said. 

"Well, it sure feels like you did," Catra replied. "You need me around, Adora, and I'm not going to just leave you in the same way that you have left me," she stated. 

"You left before," I blurted, then. 

Catra's eyes flashed with hurt, then. 

"I wonder why that was, Adora. Let's review, shall we? People don't like me, here," Catra said. 

"I do," I said. 

For a split second, warmth appeared in Catra's eyes, but it disappeared quicker than it had arrived. 

"I'm going to be honest with you, Adora, you sure don't act like it sometimes," she said, as she stood up from the table. 

I towered over her.

She wandered past me and sighed again. 

I searched my mind for something to say to her, anything, but I came up empty. Something was telling me that Catra wasn't exactly in a talkative mood at present. I could understand her being mad at me, though. I hadn't exactly been the best person in the  lands of Etheria, but then again, she over-reacted! She had made such a big deal out of me spending some time with Bow. I didn't have to be with her all the time. Besides, I had already given her my reasoning as to why she had to stay put at the palace. Why wasn't that good enough for her? Oh yeah, 'cause this was Catra I was talking about.  

Catra left the room and I smoothed my white t-shirt down over my body before deciding to leave, too. Once again, I had little appetite. 

Catra relied on me as much as I relied on her and I knew that I needed to be there for her. Despite her apparent disinterest in communication with me, I made my way back to our room and soon found her there, face down in the pillow. 

"Catra," I said. 

"Go away," she murmured, "I am not going to talk to you." 

Of course, she had decided to be as stubborn and strong-willed as ever, just when I had wanted to have a proper conversation with her. I felt tempted to roll my eyes, but I refrained. Catra really good pick her moments. 

"I'm not leaving until you do," I said decisively. 

"Then you're going to end up incredibly disappointed," Catra said, but eventually sat up in the bed and faced me. 

I gave her a charming smile. 

Catra groaned, as she placed the pillow on her face again. 

"You can come on the next mission, Catra," I said. 

"Ugh. I don't want your pity prize," Catra said. 

"I mean it," I said. 

"Will I get to blow something up?" she asked me, as her eyes brightened slightly. 

"What? No," I said. 

Catra crossed her arms in front of her chest, then. 

"Then I'm not coming," she said decisively. 

I sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose. 

"Okay, fine, maybe," I said. 

"Yay!" Catra said, as her eyes brightened slightly. She then gave a nervous cough, "I mean..yeah, whatever, I guess that's cool," she stated. 

I felt the corner of my lip twitch up slightly, then. 

I was just glad that Catra and I were getting along again. At least, we were for now. 

For The Honor of Grayskull (A Catradora Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now