Chapter 4🌸 Subconciously Choosing

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If you've been here since the book came out...yes, this is now an omegaverse.

This is a filler chapter

Izuku couldn't get over how good the food was. Katsuki was top in his book of best cooks. Second to his mother of course. "This is really good! I could eat your food all day", Izuku states delightfully. Katsuki smirks and crosses his arms. "Damn right it's good. I was one of the top students in culinary school."

     "I think you would've been a great hero", Shouto says, "you have an amazing quirk. And you would've been better than the old bastard."

      Katsuki's cheeks go ruddy as he avoids the teen's kind gaze. "Th-Thanks. But shit happens in life. It isn't going to follow every beat of your drum." Izuku looks between them. He wanted to know what happened to the short beta as to why he decided not to become a hero but it was best to not ask right now. It really wasn't his business. His phone buzzes alive with a text. He looks down at it briefly before standing up. "I better get going. Don't want to make them wait."

"Who's them", Shouto asks. He sits up straighter from leaning forward on the counter. "Just some old friends." He thanks Katsuki when he collects his plate as he got up from the chair. Shouto let his eyes follow the man's every move, deep down his omega had the urge to follow after him, wonder where he'd be going with these so-called friends of his in such a hurry. However he scolded himself, not really sure why he felt this way. His omega seemed more dominant as his body moved to do what he told himself not to. "I-I'll walk you out."

     Shouto slides off of the barstool and nearly speed walks to the side door of the mansion. He heard the chef snicker from behind him but he ignores it. "Will you be here tomorrow", he asks the green haired man. The alpha shakes his head as he slips his mud caked work boots. He huffs out an exhausted breath. "Yeah. I still have some work leftover. It shouldn't take me long." He steps inside of the awaiting car. He noticed that Shouto stood there in a shy manner. He tilts his head and faces him, "something wrong?"

The androgynous boy blinks as if he were processing this information through. He suddenly blushes, abashed, in a maddening red. "A-ah no! No no no! Not at all!" He fiddles with his fingers and sways side to side shyly. "...can I, um, have your number?" Izuku blinked in surprise. He didn't expect that from the teenager. Especially someone as quiet as Shouto, he looked like the type to not want to be bothered. "Your folks won't mind, will they?"

"I'm nineteen. They don't run my life, that includes that young wife of his." Shouto crosses his arms and stares up at the alpha. The greenette lets out a laugh between his teeth. "Fine." He watched as the small male types in his number with shaky thumbs as he tells him each digit. He thought it was cute with how fidgety Shouto was. "I-I'll let you know it's me." Izuku ruffles his white and red hair with a sweet smile. "Sounds good."

Shouto nods, "I'll see you tomorrow. Bye!" He turns on his heel and walks back into the house quickly. Izuku shakes his head and chuckles. Weird little omega. "Are you ready Midoriya", the driver asks.

     "Yeah. I'm ready."

Shouto groans in dismay into a pillow on the couch. Katsuki sighs and rolls his eyes simultaneously. "What's wrong", he asks vehemently. The boy raises his head, red and white mixing in different places. "I think something is wrong with me." The beta raises a brow in confusion. "Okay. How?"

     Shouto sits up quickly and swings his legs over the couch. "I don't know how to explain it", he declares, "but it's like I have this mass crush on Midoriya. Like I need him, or, want him? Ugh! I don't know honestly." Katsuki sat across from him on the floor. His phone in front of him abandoned since he put his attention on the young Todoroki.

"I think I know what you're going through", he says.

Shouto perks up, "really? What is it?"

"Your omega is an absolute hoe for the shitty nerd." The use of language made the boy blush once again. "H-how can you just say that?!"

     Katsuki howls in laughter at the young master's shocked expression. He gradually calms himself down into a steady giggle. "Okay. Let me be real. When is your heat?"

Shouto flops back onto the couch. "Why?"

"I'm being serious now. When is it?"

" a week I guess. Now why are you asking?"

"I know your crappy dad makes you take suppressants. But after he married that tramp he's been a little more lenient with it. This is going to be your first legit heat."

"And that's important because?"

Katsuki rolls his eyes. "Well for one, it's going to be a bitch since it's your first. And how I know this is because I have a friend that's an omega. And she absolutely despised her first Heat. Secondly, you subconsciously chose that damn gardener as the person you wanna mate with."

     Shouto went from blank, to shock, and to disbelief. "Nope. Not possible. I just met him."

"Do you find him attractive?"

Shouto stiffens. "Y-Yes. I mean, he as all the assets I like in an alpha. So...I guess I do. But what does that have to do with me wanting to mate with him?!"

"I mean", Katsuki starts, "I've only heard rumors about this happening. But sometimes your instincts just automatically choose your mate as soon as you meet them. It's like on the inside you know thats the one. Look, unfortunately I'm not an alpha and thankfully I'm not an omega, no offense."

"None taken."

"So I don't go through your guys' damn symptoms. At least not all of them. However I know instincts very well for all three second genders. What you're doing isn't bad, it's just...something that's happening." The blonde slowly gets up from the floor. Groaning when his cramped limbs disagreed with him. He swipes his hands in a downward motion to brush off anything that could be sticking to his pants. "You're worries about what Endeavor will do. Aren't you?"

      Shouto peeks up at him but doesn't say anything. A downcast look on his face. "You know what I think", Katsuki says, "fuck him. It's your life, even if you are living in his damn house." The door to the main entrance opens and a loud voice booms flamboyantly. Katsuki groans miserably when a familiar blonde steps inside. "Bonjour everyone~!"

"Y-Yuuga? You're back from America?"

The omega giggles happily as he slides beside the son of the flame hero and hugs him close. "Surprise~! Ooh I've missed you so much! I've brought some things I got you on my trip. Come on come on let's go to your room. It was nice to see you as well Bakugou!" The man only hums to show the hyper teen that he was acknowledged. "I'm gonna head out Icyhot. I'll see you later."

"B-bye Bakugou", Shouto calls before being pulled away. The beta's words lingered in his mind. He had a feeling he was developing a crush on the greenette. He just didn't think that his actions was being caused by his meek secondary gender. He prays that it doesn't make him do anything he could possibly regret later.

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