Chapter 6🌸 Secret Affair

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Warning! Smut!

Izuku woke up the next morning with a pounding headache and a growling stomach. He pushes his face down into the pillow as he groans. Last night a few of his buddies thought it'd be a great idea to come to his place and gamble while they drank. In actuality, it was a bad idea. And now he felt like someone was just trying to deliberately smash his skull in with a hammer. " damn head is killing me." How the hell am I suppose to function at work like this? Ugh, I better get some painkillers and sober up fast.

Izuku pulls himself out of bed. He does his morning routine as best as he could before finding some pain medicine to sooth his hangover. He swallows two pills down and guzzles the water from his bottle down. That's when he heard his phone buzz. He glares at it and picks it up. Izuku thought it'd be from one of the idiots when he blinked twice to see that it was Yosaka.

Yosaka (Mrs. Todoroki): Good morning Midoriya!

Yosaka (Mrs. Todoroki): I'm sure you're getting ready to come in for work but that won't be necessary. Todoroki has come down with his first Heat

Yosaka (Mrs. Todoroki): Poor thing. Doesn't know what to do but cry. Haha 😂

Yosaka (Mrs. Todoroki): Anyways. Don't bother coming in. He's in Heat. Have a good day!💕

"Jesus. What's with the emojis. Grow up woman." He sets his phone back down with an unintentional slam. He sits in his bed and examines his scarred hands. "Hope you're okay Shouto."


       Shouto whines as he fucks himself with a dildo. It wasn't enough. Nothing felt like it was enough. He had tried to rut against his bed, but the process for release seemed longer than not doing anything. And fingering himself seemed even more torturous. Yosaka took the liberty of bringing him a box of sex toys and other sex products like lube and condoms before her and Fuyumi left for god knows how long. He was afraid to even touch those pleasuring objects, especially the dildo...that he was now using because his fingers wasn't cutting it.

     "Ahn~." He uses his left hand to stroke his member. The pinkish tip leaked with precum while his pussy dripped with slick. He felt messy, dirty, sinful. It was all too much to bear. "I-I. Ahh~. I can't...I need something else. toy! Ah~!" The object happened to hit a spot that made him see stars for a second. He repeatedly hits that spot with vigor. But his arms began to grow tired and he gave up with a whine that sounded like a low howl.

In his wake, he imagined a certain strong alpha holding him close with his back to his broad chest. As if the omega were just a little feather. The alpha would've kept his legs spread apart as he used him like a sex toy. The teen whimpers, rubbing his legs together as more slick dripped down his thighs. "Izuku~. Mmm~." He closes his gorgeous, glossy eyes. The thought of Izuku taking him roughly in his own bedroom sounded divine. But the tiniest portion that made him sane at the moment made him feel ashamed. Yes, the gardener had quickly become his crush because of his looks and charm. But it just felt too soon. He wanted to get to know Izuku better.

A painful wave of heat spread throughout his body. He cries out, he didn't like this at all. He wanted Izuku. No, he needed him.

Shouto quickly grabs his phone and messages Izuku with trembling thumbs. He felt a little stupid for this. Yet he figured people did a lot of stupid things to get what they wanted. While he waited, he discarded the toy and went back to fucking himself lazily with his middle and ring finger. His thumb brushing over and around his clit. Shouto's mouth falls open with soft moans, tingles of pleasure shivering up his spine. A squeak slips passed his lips once he hears a ping! And when he looks down, he sees that the greenette had replied to him.

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