Chapter 12🌸 Request

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I'm writing this in class. I'm not sure if this chapter is on point like I think it is or it's a little all over the place towards the end

Izuku lifts Shouto's head. The omega's flushed face and glossy eyes made him smirk. "Now don't get shy on me now. You're the one that's asking for it~." He leans forward and presses a soft kiss to Shouto's forehead. Albeit Shouto pouts in disappointment, thinking that the man would give him a kiss on the lips. He doesn't argue though, the only thoughts currently in his mind was what Izuku said to him and what would possibly occur in the future.

     The greenette steps back and goes over to the fireplace where the dead flowers resides. He takes them out, "I'll bring those roses for you. Be good while I'm gone."


When the alpha made his leave, Shouto crosses his arms and lays back in his nest. The rain mixed with fresh earthen soil and pine trees filled his nostrils, making him feel as though he were in the forest. "Mmm~. I love that man so fucking much!" Shouto turns onto his stomach and nuzzles into the bunches of his nest in his hands. "But", he mumbles into a blanket. "I can never get proper alone time with Izuku. Endeavor won't leave all of the time when my Heat comes."

     Now Shouto is pondering. What could he possibly convince his ornery father to give to him? Shouto wasn't used to asking things from the alpha hero. He usually kept his requests at bay in his mind. This was important, for both him and Izuku. This would be Shouto's only time when he can be with Izuku and not have to hide his needy behavior. Then it hit him. The old beach house! Enji never goes there anymore, since he bought a newer beach house that was bigger than the last one. But this would be perfect for times Shouto goes into his Heat cycle. And lucky for him, Enji has been too busy nor cared enough to sell the place.

      Shouto texts Yuuga for a split second to ask him about the place. He knows that the Aoyama family have their beach home a mile away from theirs, and they always go to there to get away.


Do you know if our old beach house is still in mint condition? I'm gonna ask the old bastard if I can have it

      It didn't take long for Shouto to get a text saying oui! with sparkles and yellow heart emojis right after. The next text was a question from Yuuga.

Glitter Queen✨💛: Why do you ask though?

Glitter Queen✨💛: If you don't mind me asking darling!

For my Heat cycles and to get out of this stupid estate

Glitter Queen✨💛: C'est magnifique! That'll be a perfect getaway from the manor! Bonne chance mon amie~! Mwah!💋✨💛

     Messaging the blonde made Shouto feel confident about his request. In a frenzy, Shouto gets up on jittery legs and heads out of his bedroom. He follows for his father's scent. He hopes the hero is here, and he hopes he will listen.

     Endeavor was in his study. Shouto stood before the grand doors, feeling so small in front of them. He takes a deep breath and opens the door, not caring if Enji was doing something important. "You little brat. Knock next time, I could've been taking care of myself." Shouto scowls at his father's roundabout words. "I didn't need to know if you were masturbating or not. Besides, I would've heard your grizzly bear sounds outside of the door."

     "Whatever you are about to ask, it is not going to be the answer you are looking for."

      Shit, he's right. Shouto takes a deep breath, okay okay. Let me play on his good side. Shouto looks towards the alpha for permission to step further into the office. Enji waves his hand, giving his son that permission. "What do you want to ask me? This is rare between us so don't expect me to take your request lightly."

      "I want the old beach house."

Enji looks up from the paperwork in the table and towards his son. Shouto isn't backing down, even with the serious glare the man is giving him. "What for?"

      "For my Heat cycles. Or just whenever I want to be away from this place."

     "I was going to sell that place."

      "Well, don't. I want it." Shouto walks closer until he's touching the desk. He crosses his arms over his chest as he keeps his blue and grey eyes on the alpha. "I do not want to be in my room every single time I go into Heat. I am also sure that you are not going to want to leave every time."

     "You don't have a bodyguard, Shouto. And no one has been in that place for almost two years. There's no telling what–."

      "Yuu said that it was in good condition. And if it is dusty inside, let the maids clean it."

"Did you not hear the bodyguard part?"

"Midoriya can be my bodyguard."

Shouto could tell that Enji didn't like that answer one bit. He stands from his leather chair and stands up, possibly to intimidate Shouto with his towering figure. However, Shouto was not going to back down. Even if his omega hormones wanted to curl up in a ball at the presence of the ginger. "No. That kid can not be your bodyguard. Yosaka hired him as a gardener, and he shall stay as a gardener."

"Why not? I trust him", Shouto exclaims.

"He's an alpha. And what if he attacks you when you are in Heat?"

"He won't hurt me! ", Shouto defends.

"How are you so sure? You barely know him!"

"That's not fair!"

"You could've said anyone else! You could've even said Bakugou could be your bodyguard. But not him!"

Silence hangs in the air. Tension so thick that a hot knife would have a bit of trouble cutting through. Shouto huffs as he plops down in one of the cushioned chairs in front of the desk. Enji also takes a seat, he sighs as he runs his fingers through his hair. "Fine, you can have the house. But you aren't allowed to go there unattended. The gardener can't come by either, understood?"

"...Fine", Shouto hissed, "but that means you can't come by stalking me. There better not be any cameras either. And I don't want a bodyguard, I never did in the first place."


"Done", Shouto mocks.

Enji points a finger at the boy. "Don't get smart mouth with me. I'll change my mind in an instant." Shouto holds his hands up, surrendering in some sort of way. "Sorry." The apology wasn't sincere, but Enji didn't harp on the fact. Shouto was happy, really happy. He could have a place all to himself when he felt like it. Now, he just needed a way to get Izuku there without someone noticing them.

     The omega bids his father a quick farewell before making his leave. Once the door closes, Enji sighs and slumps back in his chair. He looks down at the files, some were a few photos. But all of them were about Izuku. "You may be a brat at times", he mumbles to himself. He looks at a black and white photo of Izuku. He was looking back in the direction of the camera. It looked like he was looking for something. Possibly whoever was spying on him. He had a calm, expressionless exterior, but through this picture, he was a blaring alarm that meant danger.

     "But I'm only protecting you from this bastard."

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