Chapter 11🌸 Behavior

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     Shouto was bored. Like...hella bored. He was doing everything in his power to keep his distance from Izuku or find ways to sneak to him without his alphan father seeing him do so. Yet those moments were very rare for Shouto. So all he had was his thoughts of the attractive gardener as he laid on his bed staring up at the ceiling. Mmm, this is bullshit! Why does that old bastard have to be off for a week! Shouto rolls over on his bed and groans in dismay. It'd have to be a miracle for the hero to have to leave urgently.

     "I want him so baaddd", Shouto whines. He shifts in his position, raising his ass a little as pillows rested underneath him. Dozens of blankets surrounded his body. Shouto was sure that he was in his pre-Heat stage. The pains haven't come and neither has the unbearable Heat.

In the midst of his wandering thoughts, Shouto began to think about Izuku's charming smile. His jokes, no matter how bad they could be at times. How sweet he was to everyone, easily getting along with others. But what really got Shouto riled up was the way the greenette dominated him in bed. Izuku needed little effort to do so, it was like a light switch had went off and his inner alpha just took over.

     Just the thought of that incredible moment made Shouto weak to his knees. He's never felt this way about anyone. Then again, Shouto was rarely able to go out to interact with other omegas, betas, and alphas. He was sure that if he were to step foot outside of the gate beyond this property, then he'd be like a little kid in a candy store.

      His attention is finally grabbed by reality when his phone pings with messages. Shouto groans but reaches over anyways to see who it was. Too bad it wasn't his best friend. But he didn't mind texting his older sister.

Fuyumi♥️: Hey Shouto! Do you want anything?

      Shouto scoffs to himself. Yeah, I wanna get out of this damn house. Of course, he knew that dream would be impossible.

Where are you going?

Fuyumi♥️: I'm going out with some friends

Fuyumi♥️: I just thought you would like something while I'm out

Make yourself useful and bring me a bunch of candy😚

Fuyumi♥️: If you ask nicely🙃


Please bring me some DELICIOUS candy🥺

Fuyumi♥️: Good job! I'll bring you every piece of sugar I can find🍬🍡🍭

Don't forget chocolate! 🍫

Someone knocks on the door, making the teen look up from the screen to turn his head. "It's just me. Can I come in?" The sound of Izuku's voice made Shouto smile. "Come in", he calls out. The door opens and shuts right after. The tall alpha glances over at Shouto and smiles. "Um, the other day I saw your roses were dying, so I thought I'd come by to replace them."

Shouto stands from his comfortable cloud of blankets and pillows and walks up to Izuku. "Thank you, that's very sweet of you~. Oh! Don't remove the thorns, they're prettier that way." He wraps his arms around him. When he inhales, he could smell the faint scent of rain and eucalyptus on Izuku. He presses his nose deeper into Izuku's chest, the scent making him keen in relaxation. "Hey, Izuku?"


      "When is your Rut coming?"

      Izuku's freckled cheeks flare red. This was NOT a question he expected. But Shouto's touchy behavior and his made nest simply gave it away that he was going to be in Heat soon. "Wh-why do you ask?" Shouto shrugs nonchalantly, "your scent is lingering stronger than usual. Plus, I want us to be in sync~. So we can enjoy ourselves~.

      Izuku puts a finger up to his lips, signaling the omega to keep his voice down a little more. "I haven't seen your father all day, and even though I fucking hate him. I don't want us getting caught." Shouto giggles and reaches for Izuku's hands. He guides them to his hips and walks backwards until their in his nest. "T-Todoroki!"

"Hush~! You're the one talking about not getting caught. And where did that come from, hm? You usually call me Shouto, like I asked you to do." He raises a white brow and smirks. "Maybe you're afraid of my dad listening to our conversation~." Shouto sits props himself up on his elbows, their noses centimeters away from touching. "Relax. He rarely comes to my room."

"Don't get so cocky, brat."

"Oh~? And why not?" Izuku goes to stand up, but the omega wraps his legs around him and pulls him in. "You smell like the outdoors", Shouto mumbles.

Izuku chuckles, "of course I do. Even though I'm not sure if you are referring to my pheromones or because I just came from the garden. But if you are talking about the second option, can you kindly let me go back so I can get your roses?"

"Roses can wait. Cuddles can not."

"Body heat on top of my sweat will not be very comfort–hey!"

Shouto flips their positions, him being on top of Izuku. He stares him down while letting a playful grin feature his face. "Is that your excuse? Fine, I'll just cool you off." The temperature of right side of Shouto's body begin to drop, ice crystals form on his soft skin. He lays his entire weight onto the man, which didn't effect Izuku since Shouto was light to him. He puts one arm around the male's waist, feeling the coolness of the ice begin to cool his heated body temperature. "Feeling better now", Shouto asks sweetly.

       "Yeah. I'm good now. I really should be getting back to work. And you should probably change your bedding."

      Shouto raises his head from his hands. "No. I want your smell in my's comforting."

     "I don't want you in trouble."

     "Again. My dad rarely comes to my're fine." Shouto pecks Izuku's lips and sits up, allowing the alpha to sit up as well. Izuku hums softly and pats Shouto's head. The small male couldn't help but stare at the greenette lovingly. He enjoyed this type of love that came from someone outside of his family. It made him feel special. Cherished, if he were to go that far with his feelings. Shouto imagined that maybe one day...he could possibly leave this estate and explore the world that he'd been trapped from. But not by himself, but with Izuku.

      "Izuku", Shouto says. His tone sounded as though his breath had been taken away by something amazing. And honestly, Shouto was amazed. He was amazed by the rush of he received whenever Izuku was around. Somewhere deep down, Shouto hoped that this wasn't a phase between them. "What's wrong", Izuku responds.

     Shouto looks down at his hands, cheeks a pink hue. "When...your Rut cycle comes. Don't hesitate to come by...okay?"

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