Chapter 19🌸 Comfort and Accusations

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Warning! Mentions of bullying!

Later that day when Mina left Izuku's apartment. The man had some time to wind down and think about what they had talked about. It was ludicrous—while Enji seemed to be a egotistical hero with underling anger issues, he did not think that Enji would stoop to a level that would inevitably destroy a career he's worked hard to gain.

Izuku rubs the towel on his damp hair in a lazy manner while simultaneously brushing his teeth. In his thoughts at that moment, he could hear the sound of muffled rings coming from the bedroom. Izuku inwardly groaned and spits the toothpaste out of his mouth. "Who is wanting to piss me off at this hour?" He asks this as he walks out of the bathroom. It buzzed for the fourth time when he picks the phone up and sees that it's only Shouto. He deflates his sudden rage. In fact, he felt his heart skip a beat when he saw the name. He answers and turns the speaker on. "Hey babe. You do'n okay?"

"Yes", Shouto chirps.

"You don't usually call unless you have something you need to tell me."

        Izuku heard Shouto huff on the phone and movement on the line. "Can't I just call to hear your voice? I miss you."

       "I'll be back Saturday Shouchan. The days will fly by before you even know it."

       "I guess."


       "It's just odd not to have you around. I have Katsuki but he doesn't want me in the kitchen most of the time because—and I quote—"you interfere with my delicious creations'." And Yuu is having his Heat cycle too so I won't be able to talk to him."

       Izuku pulls his long sleeved white shirt over his head and then pulls his sweatpants on. "Well, you know I'll be here to talk to whenever you need it."

        "I know~."

        The couple talked about whatever came to mind for what felt like an hour. Izuku loved hearing his omega's voice. Especially when Shouto's sweet voice grew higher with excitement. He could go into work since he didn't feel the slightest bit of his Rut left behind from a few days prior. But he figured that this would be best as a precaution for him, Shouto, and anyone in the house. Plus—it was nice to have some days off. "Hey Izuku."

       "Yeah babe?"

        "You don't talk about your quirk much. How's you get?"

        There's a heavy pause in the air. Izuku could feel it weighing down on his chest as he thought about it. He wondered if Shouto could feel any tension with just how silent their phone call had grown. " be honest. I was a late bloomer."

"A late bloomer?"

"Heh, yeah. Got bullied a lot for being quirkless."

"...How were you able to get through it so well?"

       Izuku chuckled halfheartedly. It was ironic, because he struggled to get through the bullying. All of the name calling and the beatings. It changed him by a lot. "I just changed overtime. And I had a mentor who helped me with my quirk. Because I was late getting my quirk, I was never able to have the chance to play around with it and help myself control it. Then after high school I went to the military where I met a lot of good friends that I still keep in touch with."

      To hear himself talk about pieces of his past felt like his tongue was made out of sandpaper. He'd say he had a rough childhood and was a troubling adolescent. But to even think about it now was foreign. Izuku never gave his past much thought. "Damn. Never thought I'd mention my bullying days as an adult."

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