Kissing You; Chapter 15; I Came Back For You

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Kissing You; Chapter 15;

                                **Spoiler Alert**

"Please tell me what's wrong?" he whispers, playing around with my hair while he sits me down on the sofa then he takes place close next to me.

I shuffle away from him and focus on a spot. I stop crying but don't stop remembering.

"I can't. He said he'll kill me Kyle!" I scream. "Please don't let him!"

"Who Sasha? Who said this to you!?"

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(Back to the story)


I'm having such a great day and I don't want it to end. Mom's bought so many clothes and they're all on the quite expensive side. Which is something she never does, but I ask no questions. But for real, where did she get all this money from? I've never seen her so loaded I guess. And she's happy, I guess money can buy you happiness. We stagger into a posh fancy  restaurant for lunch with our hands filled with shopping bags. We enter the restaurant which smells of delicious food and warm drinks. A young waitress walks towards us and indicates where we should sit. Tasha leads the way to a smooth polished wooden table by the corner.  I sit next to the cold wall and tuck my shopping bags under the table, Mom sits opposite me while Tasha sits next to me feeling giggly. A young man strolls over to us holding a small black notebook in one hand and a fancy blue pen in the other, I'm guessing he's a waiter.

"Hello, how can I help you?" he warmly greets us, flashing his crystal white teeth at us then flicking his strawberry blond hair out of his face. His dark gray eyes pierce through me then I slowly cock my head to one side with a foolish grin

"Can I have chicken fajitas extra hot with a side of potato wedges and coleslaw," my Mom softly responds then turns her head to face me, but I'm mesmerized by this waiter. Oh shit! Now they're both looking at me! Mom bulges her eyes out at me, signalling me to place my order.

I shake my head a little then helplessly blink more times than I have to. I quickly scan the menu and try to find a dish that I might enjoy but I can feel his gray eyes burning into me. I look up and smile at him again, he smiles back. "Can I just have a plate barbecue chicken and chips. Oh! And Cesar salad on the side please."

He rapidly scribbles on his notebook then tilts his head up back at me.  "That's a good choice, the salad is delicious here," he sweetly exclaims. I rest my elbow on the table, place my palm under my chin then gaze into those hypnotizing eyes of his.

"So are you," I quietly say in my head, but that somehow escapes my lips and he hears. A smirk forms on his lips and I spot the warm radiation  on his cheeks as he tries to tightly clench his jaw.

"Woah okay! Tasha will have a bowel of spaghetti Bolognese, thank you," My Mom quickly says before turning to me and pulling a straight face.

I bury my head under my arms and wait until he leaves before I pop my head up again.

"Sasha why would you even try to hit on him?" my Mom laughs uncontrollably.

"Yeah! And you have Kyle as well! You're not a very nice girlfriend!" Sasha shouts punching my arm a little and pouting out her bottom lip as if she was actually affected by all of this.

"You stay out of this you little rat!" I jokingly shout, throwing my tissue at her but failing badly when the tissue doesn't even reach her and instead slowly sways onto her lap.

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