Chapter 1

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EDITED 2/20/16

"Tommo, I need you," McKenna stated, peering her head into the training room. I quickly nodded, spun around, and kicked Mark in the gut, only to the extent where it would knock him down.

I turned, and helped him up. I then thanked him, and walked straight to McKenna's office. I straightened my black jacket with my hands, and knocked on her door.

"Come in," she called. I pushed the door open, and sat in the chair. "In a few minutes, I have a potential client coming in. He needs a bodyguard, a spy, to protect a band on his label. No singing required. You shouldn't need to actually attend concerts, and in the instance you do, you can just play it off as your sick."

"Who are we dealing with?" I question.

"Raven," she plainly answers. I nod, and she continues, "You'd be perfect for this job. I need you to be on top your game. Are you up for it?"

I nod, "I'll take it."

"Are your orders clear?" she questions.

"Crystal," I reply. She then hands me a file, "You're excused. And we might be stopping by your room."

I stand, "Thank you."

"Oh, and Rider?" she questions.

"What is it?" I reply.

"You're going to be surrounded by boys, a little bit older than you," she starts, "I need you to keep your personal feelings out of your work."

"When did I ever let them?" I inquire.

"I know," she replies, smiling sweetly, "Just a friendly reminder."

I shoot her a smile, walk out of her office, and head towards my room.

I opened my door with my I.D., and threw myself on the bed, and opened the huge file.

I read through the first page, explaining I needed to see Rosie for hair and make-up at 18:00, and Benny for gear and gadgets at 20:00. Next, I read the Mission Report.

Rider Elizabeth Tomlinson,

Your mission is to pose as the sixth member of world-famous boyband, One Direction. The boys are not aware of what you are there to do.

Each member has been receiving threatening messages from Dave Raven. You're job is to take him down. You will report back once your mission is complete.

You will pose as a nineteen year-old girl. You are American, and a normal teenager, well-within her limits. You will keep the boys in-order, and will be in constant contact with the boys security.

You are to protect them at all costs. Attached is each boys file and summary. You are to leave at 13:00 tomorrow.

I wish you the best on this mission,
Agent McKenna Caldwell

I then reviewed each boys individual file. Each file contained a full name, a birthdate, general information, and a picture.

Horan, Niall James;
DOB: 9/13/1993 (22)
Niall James Horan has natural brown hair, but bleaches it blonde, so he usually has brown roots. He's from Ireland, with an Irish accent. He has sea-blue eyes.

Malik, Zain 'Zayn' Javadd;
DOB: 1/12/1993 (23)
Zain "Zayn" Javadd Malik has dark brown hair, with fading highlights. He's from Bradford, England, with and English accent. He has hazel eyes.

Payne, Liam James;
DOB: 8/29/1993 (22)
Liam James Payne had light brown hair. He's from Wolverhampton, United Kingdom, with an English accent. He has brown eyes.

Styles, Harold Edward;
DOB: 2/1/1994 (22)
Harold "Harry" Edward Styles has curly brown hair. He is from Redditch, United Kingdom, and has an English accent. He has green eyes.

Tomlinson, Louis William;
DOB: 12/24/1991 (24)
Louis William Tomlinson has brown hair. He is from Doncaster, England, with an English accent. He has sea-blue eyes.

I closed the files, and checked the time. It was currently 17:52, and it took about five minutes to get to the West, which was all hair and makeup.

The North Wing was offices and training rooms. The East Wing was all bunks, rooms, and food/dining areas. The South Wing was all gadgets, gear, and equipment. The test labs/training areas were in the North.

To take a full walk around the building, it takes about 20 minutes.

I headed out of my room, and started the walk towards the West Wing. Chad called out my name, and started talking as we were walking.

"Where are you heading?" Chad asks.


"What's the mission?" he questions.

"You know that's classified," I reply, sending a glare towards him.

"Oh, please," he begs.

"Raven," is all I say, smirking at him.

His eyes buldge, and that's because Raven was the kill, the grand prize.

If McKenna put you on a mission even associated with him, you knew you earned her respect which was rare.

"Good luck," the handsome, fit boy with golden hair and blue eyes said, giving me a hug. I would've told him to come with me, but that wasn't allowed. Besides, we all had to be in our rooms by 20:00 hours, but if you had to prepare for a mission, you're curfew was 4 hours later than when you got out of whatever was mandatory to prepare.

I smiled at him, scanned my I.D. (it proved we reported to our station), and headed into Rosie's area for hair and make-up.

She smiled at me, told me to sit, and got to work.

A little while later (I wasn't even sure how long) she told me I was done.

I opened my eyes, and had chocolate brown hair, stormy gray eyes, and perfect makeup.

"It's 19:49, so you have a few minutes to get down to gadgets," she explained, handing me a bag, "Only this will take the makeup off."

I thanked her, and headed down to gadgets. It took me a good five minutes, and I knocked on Benny's door.

"Come on in," he called.

I walked in, scanned my I.D., and he smiled at me, "Long time, no see."

I smiled, and Benny started talking to me, and handed me my small suitcase with gadgets and weapons, that I would put in my larger suitcase tomorrow, and he started talking.

"Everything you need, plus more, should be in there," he explained, "And I'm sure you can figure everything else out. And if you can't, stop by tomorrow. I want to let you have lots of training time, so you're free to go, kid."

"Thanks, Benny," I replied, "See you soon."

I walked out, and headed towards my room.

I scanned my I.D. for a final time tonight, and walked into the room. I then laid on my bed, anticipating my mission tomorrow.

It was bound to be an intresting one...

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