Preference: he gets hit on and you get jealous

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Dan: You had agreed to join Dan at a little get together his friends were having. Having arrived not too long ago, Dan was still greeting the friends he hadn’t seen in ages, introducing you as his “lovely girlfriend.” When he finished, you two walked towards the food when a girl walked up. “Dan!” she exclaimed as she hugged him. Dan gave her a look as if he was trying to remember who she was. “God, it’s been ages! You look good!” She touched his arm flirtatiously as she said that. You glared at her. “And who’s this?” she asked a little too cheerfully. You hated her already. Dan started to reply, but you interrupted. “I’m his girlfriend.” You tried not to sound too harsh. Dan took your hand and squeezed it, aware of what was going through your head at the moment.

Phil: Phil was out for the night with some friends from university and were over at a friend’s house. You two had just ordered dinner and finished a movie, when you picked up your phone and decided to see what was new with the world. Nothing was new on Facebook, not much on Tumblr, but when you went on Instagram, there were photos posted from Phil’s night out. You looked through them, and in every one, you noticed a girl who was practically hanging off of him. You grabbed the throw pillow you were sitting against and screamed into it. “I hate being like this.” “Being like what?” your friend asked. “Being such a jealous person. She’s all over him in every photo.” You handed your phone over to her. “Oh god. She is.” Your friend sneered.

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