Preference: He doesn't feel the same way

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Dan: You and Dan were currently sitting in a restaurant on your birthday. “Why did you want to spend your birthday with only me?” Dan asked after you had ordered. You shrugged. “I would spend every minute with you if I could. I just— I just really like you and I have for a while now,” you said quietly while you were avoiding eye contact. He sighed, trying to gather his thoughts. You thought for sure that he liked you too. Had you been reading him wrong this whole time? “I really wish I reciprocated those feelings. You’re a great person. I just— I wish I felt that way. I really wish I did. We’d be great together.” You could tell that Dan was trying his hardest not to hurt you. Why would he want to hurt you, on your birthday of all days? “I understand. It’s fine. As long as what we have currently doesn’t change.” “Of course it won’t,” he smiled.

Phil: Your heart was thumping against your chest as you typed out your text message to Phil. Could I tell you something? Not even two minutes later, he replied. yeah sure. whats up? You took a deep breath. I’ve been figuring out how to say this, so im just gonna come out and say it: i like you. a lot. not in a, oh you’re cool, i enjoy hanging out with you kind of way. but more like a, you make me so incredibly happy and i can really see us together. ok. im gonna go hide in a pit now. You essentially threw your phone to the other side of the room as you awaited a reply. About five minutes later, your phone went off. i know it must have taken a lot to send this, and i appreciate you telling me. unfortunately, i don’t really feel the same. im sorry. i really wish i could hug you right now. You’d be lying if you said you didn’t cry a little bit.

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