Preference: Love/Hate relationship

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Dan -

You and Dan never got along. That much was a given. Although you two had the same group of friends, you never had the urge to go and talk to him, since in reality, he was the one that seemed to have a problem with you. You and your friends were out one night, having a late dinner when a blast of cold air hit you when you had opened the front of the restaurant. Everyone seemed to have been prepared for the chilly conditions but you. You rubbed your hands up and down on your arms, and prayed that the walk home would be a bit warmer, you said your goodbyes and began the trek back home. Suddenly after a few seconds of you walking back, you felt warmth envelope you, you looked up and saw that Dan had draped his jacket over your shoulders and was looking away hoping no one saw. “What are you-?” You were quickly cut off when Dan gave you a dull look. “You looked cold.” He stated bluntly, turning around and swiftly walking back towards the front of the restaurant, but you managed to catch a glimpse of the light pink blush that stained his cheeks.



You were getting more popcorn and drinks before the movie started so you wouldn’t miss any of it. As you went back into Dan’s living room all the spots were taking except the one next to Phil. “Can someone switch with me?” you ask after seeing Phil’s face seeing the only available spot was next to you. “Nah,” “I just sat down!” you hear them all say. Sighing you plopped down next to him, trying your hardest not to touch him, you had nothing against Phil, you actually liked him but it seemed like he didn’t like you at all. All throughout the movie he kept shoving your shoulder, on purpose or accident you didn’t know, but it was beginning to bother you. “Will you please stop?” You whisper trying not to attract attention to you two. “What? Oh, sure.” He whispered, but soon after you felt the shoving again. “What do you have against me?” You thought out loud him, not knowing if you’d get a response, since that’s what happened every other times you’ve wondered aloud. He stayed quiet and slowly leaned in to you, you moved back a bit not knowing how to take it. “I-I like yo-.” But he was soon interrupted by Dan exclaiming that he had to go to the bathroom.

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