Preference: You're an atheist

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Dan: You were having dinner with Dan's family at his grandmother's house. The food was spread across the table and everything looked delicious. "Would you like to say grace for us?" his grandmother asked you. Oh no. How were you even supposed to start grace? No one in your family was religious– you had no idea what you were supposed to do. "Uh, why doesn't Dan do it instead?" you insisted. "That's a great idea! Go ahead, Daniel." Dan glared at you before he began.

Phil: The other day you had told Phil that you really didn't celebrate Christmas for the traditional religious reasons, but rather you celebrated it in order to bring positive feelings during the darkest time of the year. So, on Christmas morning, Phil woke you up with a, "merry time of giving and spending time with family to bring happiness and cheer to the darkest month!" You rolled over and looked at him. "Phil, I still call it Christmas," you laughed.

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