chapter fifteen: date

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Zuko was in front tea shop ten minutes earlier. It was stronger then him, he felt like he need to be there right at the time so she wouldn't go, which was ironic since he was the one who left her last time.

Exactly at the time, he notice girl walking in his direction. Alison was definetly most beautiful girl he ever seen, but as she get closer he notice little details about her. Her hair seem to be longer and she become taller. When they meet for real first time she was visibly shorter, but now she was definetly taller then him.

Lyra admired Zuko as she walked towards him. She liked him and he looked good, but something catched her eye and giggled.

'You look good.' he said quietly and Lyra gently smiled at him, trying not to laugh. 'Well thank you. You look breathtaking, but what the monkey feathers happened with your hair?' she smiled at Zuko who already had his hands in hair, turning it back to normal.

'Uncle made me to do it, I couldn't say no.' he replied with small smile, which Lyra found oddly. They started walking towards upper ring when Lyra decide to interrupt comfortable silence. She loved being quiet with Zuko, but after months she couldn't handle it.

'You look surprisingly happy. Did something happen?' she asked carefully and Zuko didn't react at first. She thought that she said something wrong, but Zuko spoke up. 'I am just overjoyed to see you. I'm sorry for everything at colonies.' he said quietly and Lyra looked at him blankly.

'Look your highness,' she said jokingly but her tone changed quickly in more serious then Zuko could imagine, 'if I say that I fully forgive you, it would be a lie. I'm not forgiving type of person, expecially not when someone step on their words. But I like you, a lot.'

Before Zuko could replied, Lyra grabbed his hand and pulled him in street on side without telling a word. For second Zuko was confused, but then he saw small park and none in it. 'I found it last week. There are many people at day, but at night none want to come.' she explained, leading Zuko to first bench where they could sit.

'Sorry for destroying your chances for date with normal earth kingdom girl, I just had to see you before--' Lyra started but Zuko cutted her off with laugh. She felt relaxed when Zuko is happy. It's not something which happen often.

'Do you really think I would choose any Earth Kingdome girl over you?' he took her hands in his again and asked as calmly as he could. 'It is not like I gave you a choice, really. But I appreciate that attitude.' she smiled softly, squeezing Zuko's hands like she is afraid that he would just disappear.

'I never stop thinking about you. Throne, Avatar,... it's not matter. I don't want it if you aren't with me.' Zuko's voice almost broke and he didn't take his eyes off hers. Lyra smiled softly, causing Zuko's heart to melt. He wanted her more then anything else in last few months. It feel unrealistic, like he was dreaming once again and his uncle would wake him up.

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