chapter seventeen: soon

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After realising that  Zuko is in Ba Sing Se, Lyra's days weren't as bad as earlier

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After realising that Zuko is in Ba Sing Se, Lyra's days weren't as bad as earlier. She still hated the city, but at least someone she knew was there. Also, her hang outs with Smellerbee and Longshot were more then pleasent.

It was Zuko and voices in her head who showed her that she can't live in past, but Smellerbee was first person she could be completely honest with. After knowing her for week, Lyra planned to tell her about her true identity. She could tell when someone is good person, and young freedom fighter (name was ridiculous to Lyra, but she respected bravery and loyalty) was definetly one of them.

Problem began when she didn't see anyone for whole day. In the morning, she had to talk with Dai Li's and it went worse then she imagined. In their opinion, she wasn't 'doing her duty' (which she didn't, but it wasn't their problem) and they had though about replacing her. Now, in late afternoon, none was around.

Zuko wasn't in the tea shop and Smellerbee and Longshot weren't in the park where they usually meet in same time every day. She felt like something is wrong, like something big is about to happen.

Lyra went back in her apartment. If she was going to feel alone, at least annoying voices in her head won't leave. They are always there to annoy her.

She sat on the flour, holding her hook swords next to her. There was weird feeling that she was going to need them. Lyra had no idea for what, but her instincts were worth listening.

Mediating never was hard for someone who grew up in Air Temple. She was teached that worlds are connected and how easy it is to unite them in yourself. Many things weren't making sense when she was little, but after years in stone? She hated how people were acting.

It went from little stuff, like disliking (and killing, which was pretty big and absurd) people from other nations. When she saw people eating meat every day, her life turned around. It was their choice, of course, but she was taught that every life is important. And yet they were killing million of fishes. Even she killed them, which was something that she would never forgive herself. But it was fishes or Zuko starving and then dying on the sea, so there wasn't many things to think about.

After more then hour, Lyra become nervous. She loved mediating, but right now, she needed the answers.

you will have to make another big decision. One voice in her head said and Lyra wanted to stab herself. She hated decisions. Especially big ones. you will have to choose between right and easy. Between yourself and the world.

And everything went back to normal. She opened her eyes and looked around, but nothing changed. Lyra grabbed hook swords from the floor and headed towards door.

Sometimes, she wished that she was born as part of earth kingdom. She loved air nomads more then anything, and she believed in Monks teachings, but living without spiritual connections seem easier. You didn't have to stress over things twice.

Lyra went on streets and completely lost in her thoughts. Her people are dead. Her culture was dying. Air Temples are destroyed and none celebrate any event for hundred years. Lyra was about to cry, but something slapped her in the face.


She felt pressure and notice how wind send piece of paper at her. When she was about to throw it away, something in her head told her to look at it, and she obeyed the voice.

It was best choice she made in hundred years. Paper had photo of very familiar flying bison on it, and address where she could find her long lost friend.

Lyra tried not to cry, but that failed. Aang was in Ba Sing Se, looking for Appa. She turned around faster then ever, ready to burst into his house like criminal, but something stopped her. She heard voices of Dai Li's and one of citizens, so she decide to listen. Aang is already there. He wouldn't leave too soon.

'They are coming, sir. They are going in the lake.' Man said nervously, and other person snored. 'I will find them. And end them if I must.'

Somehow, Lyra knew that he is talking about Aang and his crew. Only lake in Ba Sing Se was Laogai, but she never knew what was happening there. She wasn't interested to find out, which was now mistake.

Lyra was aware that she need Dai Li to enter inside, it was meant for earth benders. She putted her hook swords in belt and followed annoying man to the secret passage.


You know what comes next!!!

(no you don't, I have too much bad ideas and I'm going to use them)

Anyways, I'm in online school this week, so new update is in few days. Unless Percy Jackson says otherwise, my boy Frank can't wait too long.

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