chapter sixteen: tea shop

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Few days passed and Lyra didn't seen Zuko. On the other side, she convicted Smellerbee that Zuko isn't fire bender. It wasn't easy, but she seem to believe her. After that, she started talking with so called freedom fighters.

'Do you want to go in new tea shop with me? Jasmine's dragon, good sound, ha?' Lyra asked Smellerbee and Longshot but they shake heads. 'We are staying here to train. Want to join us later?' Smellerbee asked and Lyra nodded at her. 'Of course. I would stay now too but fight with other Dai Li agents isn't my cup of tea.'

'You have terrible puns.' Smellerbee muttered but Lyra grinned at younger girl. 'And you like it. See you later.' Lyra turned around and walked away, but Smellerbee eyed Longshot for second.

'That girl is something.' she said quietly, thinking about something. 'Jet would like her. Serious fighter, thinker and have weird sense of humour.' Longshot nodded at his friend, which she consider as agreement. When they found Jet, they would try to pair him with new girl.


Lyra notice something on her way to tea shop and she almost bursted in laugh in the middle of road. She realised that only person with tea shop could be Iroh. They let Dragon of the West in Ba Sing Se, gave him tea shop and he named her Jasmine's dragon. Good cover story.

She entered inside and notice Zuko turned with his back towards doors, doing something with tea. She talked towards him but he speak without looking at her. 'Welcome to Jasmine dragon, what is your order?' he tried to sound welcome, but his voice was bitter.

'One tea, and as addition I would love short date with waiter.' she said confidently and Zuko finally looked at her. His expression changed imideatly, in second he become way happier at work. 'Can I get that?' Lyra continued and Zuko nodded at her. 'I will tell uncle to do my work.'

'Or I could help you if you want. Crowd is waiting for the tea, of course if you want me to.' Lyra start blabbering but Zuko cutted her. He handed her apron, similar to his, and weakly smiled. 'Are you sure?'

'Of course. Let's serve some tea, your highness.'

Working with Alison went with much less talk then Zuko expected. He expected her to stay shorter, but even after hour she was helping him in new shop.

When crowd broke, Zuko and Lyra sat at the empty table with their tea. Zuko had no idea what to say, when it comes to girls, expecially her, he was even more despair then usually.

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