chapter twenty: last word

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'Name is Lyra, princess of Air Temples' Lyra said confidently, but she was sure that others would take it as joke. She wouldn't believe someone to say that either, so she didn't expect them to do the same thing.

'Yeah, and I'm gran-gran.' Sokka replied with no emotions, preparing to throw boomerang at Lyra once again.

'You are what now?' Lyra replied with confused tone, and Katara just eyed her carefully.

'Why would we believe you? You are Dai Li!' she snapped, and Lyra just shrugged.

'Katara, she is my friend.' Aang said calmly, but Lyra had different idea.

'We could fight?' she asked and noticed how everyone was staring at her weirdly. 'What? Are you scared of girl who didn't use her bending properly for hundred years?'

'Oh, bring up--' Toph started, but before she could send a rock at Lyra, Lyra bringed her in the air. Toph was levitating in one spot, completely out controle.

'That is cheating!' Sokka yelled, but then he realised what is happening. 'Wait, that means that.. no, it's impossible! You, you died-- and sience--'

Lyra bended Toph back to earth and blind girl spoke before Lyra could answer. 'How did you know that I'm blind?'

'You are?' Lyra asked dumbly, staring at Toph. 'I just wanted to stop you from going to full power.'

'You are princess! Like alive princess!' Sokka said loudly, but he was cutted out.

'Why didn't you told us?' Smellerbee asked and Lyra turned around, facing short girl in front her.

'I planned to tell you hour ago, but I couldn't find you. We are good, right?' Lyra asked nervously, waiting for Smellerbee and Longshot to reply.

'We are good.' Longshot said, and it was first time that Lyra heard him speak. She smiled brightly, and Smellerbee did the same.

'So you really are princess Lyra? We are sorry, your high--' Katara started, looking nervously.

'It is fine. We have no time. You have to find Appa. He is here.' Lyra said in one breath and everyone stared at her.

'I never told you about Appa, how did you--?' Aang tried to speak, but Lyra cutted him.

'We have no time. I will take care of Jet.' She replied quickly, kneeling over boy in front them again and helping him to get up.

'You have to come with us! You are my friend, I'm not leaving you!' Aang yelled, but he noticed that Lyra had to focus on two things in moment.

'We met at wrong time, Aang. It's my fault, but you know the truth. I am here, and I am with you.' she explained calmly. Smellerbee and Longshot realised what was happening, long lost princess was ready to give up on her friend just to save their leader.

Both of them helped her to bring Jet on feets, and they notices how none in the room know what is happening. 'Can you--' Lyra started, wanting to ask Smellerbee and Longshot to hold Jet for second, and both of them nodded while girl came closer to Aang.

'I will come at black sun. I promise.' she said sweetly, but deep down she had no idea how she is going to do that. 'And we would win in this war. I'm not losing in fight against fire nation.'

'Werent they the ones who turned you in statue, princess?' Toph asked, but before Lyra could answer, Katara cutted her off. 'Toph! She sacraficed herself for water tribe, you can't disrespect princess of air nomads like that.'

'Air temples! Air nomads are nomads, people, is that hard to understand?' Lyra snapped, already filling with anger. She is princess. She loved her title, but she hated disrespect.

'And she didn't sacraficed for water tribe, she fought with earth benders until last moment!' Smellerbee said loudly but Lyra shake her head.

'Dont waste your time on legends, I'm way worse then they portrayed me. We have no time, you must leave.' Lyra said stubbornly, and others realised that she was deadly serious about it.

'I don't want to lose you.' Aang said sadly, trying not to cry. He wrapped his arms around Lyra, pulling her in hug. In distance, it probably look weird for 12 years old boy to cry over girl who looked like giraffe next to him, but they wouldn't assume that both of them are more then hundred years old either.

'Good luck, Aang.' she pulled away, smiling gently at Avatar. 'Stay safe.'

Sokka nudged Katara, like he was trying to say something, but Lyra ignore it. She turned around and walked to Jet, giving Smellerbee and Longshot sign to move.

'It was honor meeting you, princess.' Katara said firmly, and Lyra nodded. It may seem rude, but it was hard to think about many things while holding boy way taller then her.

'Yeah, we want,, I mean, we hope to see,, to meet--' Sokka sighed, trying to find words he should use.

'Relax, captain Boomerang.' she replied casually, and Toph loughed.

'That is how I call him too. I like this princess.' she replied cooly, but before anyone could say another word, loud noise was heard from outside.

It was Appa.


I have moments when I hate this book so much but I'm too stubborn to give up.

Since I started writing it to learn english grammar better, and advance my writing skills in english, it's not bad. Just bland.

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