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"Jet, we need to practice!" Lyra yelled as she entered in Jets room. Day of black sun would be in few days and they needed to reunite with Aang.

"I'm getting up, calm down. Where are my swords?"

"Outside." She replied, "I prepared everything, if you don't hurry waterbenders would start their training."

She watched as Jet get up, eyeing him carefully. He was slightly taller than her, which was unnoticeable to anyone around.

"Give me a jacket. We're reuniting with Smeelerbe and Longshot in few days, I'm not going to catch cold."

Lyra passed him coat they got from water tribe, still not moving eyes from him. "You know, I am very excited since Aang send us letter! Apereantly, people thought he died!"

"Katara wouldn't let him." Jet said, "He's too important to die."

"She would let you to die." Lyra replied, "I'm not really a fan of hers. She has my respect, but I like earth bending girl better."

"She's not bad, just a bit..."

"Controling? Ignorant? Annoying?"

"I meant to say stubborn. That's why you don't get along in the first place."

"Don't make me laugh." Lyra growled, "Just because you want to smash her does not mean that I need to like her. I'm waiting outside."

"I don't want to smash her-- Hey!" Jet tried to grab her hand, but Lyra pulled him away.

"I don't own anyone my time, Jet. She's his friend, not mine. To me, waterbending girl is just an acomplience."

"I know that, it's just--"

"She was your first girlfriend and you can't get over the fact that she's going to be with Aang once this war is over."

She didn't know why her tone was bitter, but she didn't like Katara. She is talented, Lyra admitted that, but she was ready to give up on Jet. Lyra knew better than anyone how harsh his attitudes could be, but it's not enough to let someone die.

"I am over her! She is just crucial part of the plan, that's it!" He defended himself, but she couldn't tell was he lying.

"I can acknowledge that, but that does not make her any better. I don't like her - I don't need to. We just need to win a war."

"What do you plan to do after war?" Jet asked softly, eyeing girl in front him.

Find Zuko.
Reunite with Kuzon.
Find out is Bumi alive.

"Spend time with old friends." She muttered, "Well, with new ones too. I like you."

"You would live in Earth Kingdome, right? We can build homes in some city-- not Ba Sing Se, and--"

Zuko asked her to move
with him to Fire Nation.

"Omashu. When war ends, we're going to Omashu."

His friend | Prince Zuko x OCWhere stories live. Discover now