1: only a moment too late

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Lyra wasn't aware how many days passed. There were moments where she could see for few seconds or catch some words, but it wasn't enough to figure everything out. Her senses went weaker after few hours, leaving her helpless in Fire Nation.

In those moment where she could hear herself Lyra tried to figure out why none reach out for her. Her parents should be worried, Monks too. They must notice that she was gone.

After unknown time she spent frozen in time, Lyra felt pressure on her body. She couldn't move, but her senses sharpened. She was aware of her surrounding - somewhat familiar mountain with three unknown soliders around her.

Did they stick to her all this time? Why didn't Fire Lord order them to move her away?

"Remind me again, how did we land this job?" One of soldiers asked in bored tone. "Not that she isn't beautiful, but guarding some statue? This is practically punishment."

"It's honor," other man replied, "we are spending whole week at Lyra's place. Show some respect."

Lyra stared at them blankly. Statue? Her place?

"Yeah, yeah. It would be more interesting if she could do something, talk at least."

"I can do that."

Lyra finally moved and went to attack one of the guards. She felt too weak to airbend, but all she need was to take one of his swords.

"I'm dreaming, Mark. I'm drunk, I hear-" before Mark could finish his sentence, Lyra ran at him in full speed she could mantain. She had element of surprise at her side.

She disarmed man quickly, taking his hooked swords away to attack other man. Were they one of soldiers who attacked her some time ago?

Lyra was aware that she shouldn't attack them first, it was clear that neither of them wanted to be here, but they attacked her first. It was self defense, you could break peace if it meant to survive.

"Who are you?" She put sword under other man's neck, slicing it gently. "Where are others?"

"I- I think I'm hallucinating."

"I'm going to kill you." Lyra lied, hoping that she sounds serious. "Answer me or you're dead man."

"My name is Kei, my family lives in Capital. We're alone- Mark and I- only two of us! Please princess!"

Lyra glared at him, slicing sword at his neck again. She could see his fresh blood. "Nomads and Monks. Where are they?"

Man stared at her as if he saw ghost once again. "Air Nomads? They lost this war, princess. Their army was weak, they crumbled under Fire Nation. You are real, aren't you? Are you proud of-"

"Kei!" Other man tried to warn him, but it was too late. Lyra already sliced his throat. She kneel next to wounded man, trying to find his pulse.

"He's alive. You're lucky I am peaceful."

"You killed him, you sliced his throat! We are fire nation, you shouldn't attack us! We are alliance, we should work together-"

"I don't know where did you get that idea." Lyra replied coldly, "Swear on your life.  Swear that you won't tell single soul that you saw me."

"I can't, it's my duty! Fire Lord is going to kill us, lock us forever! I need to-"

"That's fair punishment. Too bad that you're hallucinating this." She said casually, trying different approach. "You break statue, attack your solider and blame it on dead girl? What is Fire Lord going to say?"

She noticed man staring at her blanky, so she continued. "Throwing his swords away, seriously? You want to blame that on statue?"

Lyra could hear him mumbling about how he's going crazy and she use it as opportunity to escape. She started running in direction towards Southern Air Temple, far away from Fire Nation.

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