chapter nine: past

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Aang followed unfamiliar girl in swamp but only one person was in his mind. Ever since his meeting with Bumi he though about Lyra. He mention it to Sokka and Katara but neither of them had trust in Bumi about princess - she was perfect legend and they didn't want to destroy it.

Girl studenly dissapeared and Aang saw other person. Lyra was standing on rock in fire nation clothes, showing him to follow her. He tried to overtook her, but she was way faster. Only thing he could hear was her soft voice telling fight unique.

Studenly, he was in the middle of swamp, dumped in water tribe siblings and Lyra was gone once again.



'What? You are afraid of fight with airbender?' Lyra smirked at Azulon as he rejected to train with her. 'I don't want to hurt you, princess.' he said flirtatiously but Lyra laughed. 'You can only hope that your flame would reach me.'

'I am more powerful then year ago, Lyra. You should hope that your cold air can even hit me.' he smirked at girl who enjoyed in fight. 'Hope is distraction. I always win.'

She send wind at him, causing to fall on the ground. Azulon tried to send flames in her direction but she was too fast. Air turned down his fire, but this time rope of strong wind grabbed his ankle and pulled him in air. She did same to his arms, causing him to lose bending abilities in moment.

'That is my new form. I call it Lyra's rope, altough Monks would definetly find something more modest.' she smiled at her friend as she putted him back on ground. 'Why do you even listen Monks? You are princess, Lyra. All power is to you.' he said passionately but Lyra quickly cutted him.

'Things are different in air nation. I am royal by blood, my job is to speak with others for our peace. Council is the one who decide everything with my father, you know, him and three more monks.' she explained and Azulon nodded.

'What do you think about Monks concept of peace? You are brilliant, did you ever wanted to fight?' he asked dreamy and Lyra thought for second. Of course she wanted to fight, but not seriously. That would mean war.

'Yes.' her voice was surprisingly calmly. 'I love to fight, but hate idea of battles. Peace is important, we should keep things as they are supposed to be.'

'So you don't support dad's colonies too? He told me that your father highly disagree.' his voice was calm but words come as venom. 'I hate idea of war, Azulon. Four nations should be exactly that - four.'

'Right, right.' he said tiredly, changing theme. 'Are you going to our dance next Saturday? I would love having at least one dance with most beautiful girl in all four nations.' his voice was honest but Lyra smiled sadly.

'I would love to come, but I can't. It's one of air nation festivals, I can't miss it.' she started and notice that Azulon look sadder then before, 'But you are my best friend, I promise I would dance with you on next one if you invite me.'

'You really are something, Lyra.'

end of flashback


flashback 2

'Bumi?' Lyra's voice was calm and soft, completely opposite of Bumi's. He was always calm, but rather energetic. 'Yes?'

'I have festival at Saturday, I need to bring someone I am close to. It's either you or my lemur, want to come?' she asked jokingly and Bumi laughed. 'Why not? Who is coming?'

'Monks, me, you and kids from all temples. There are wilder dragons and none want to ride them with me.' she said stubbornly and Bumi seem impressed. 'They don't think outside box, Lyra.'

'Is that yes to my question?' she asked with grin and Bumi snor-laughed and nodded. 'Yes, I never ride dragon.'

They sat together for few more hours and talked while Lyra's parents were with Omasu king and their annoying son. 'Let's go in tunnels.' Lyra said hopefully, eyeing Bumi who raised eyebrows. 'C'mon! Tunnels? Oma and Shu? Legend says that everyone lost forever inside, don't you want to prove them wrong?'

'You are 13, you know princess?' he asked jokingly, but Lyra stayed with her idea. 'We are two most powerful benders in the world, and I meet lot powerful benders.'

'When the time come we will go Lyra.' he said calmly, 'Until then, what is red and bad for your teeths?' Lyra accepted his change of subject and went with their tradition of telling bad jokes. She raised eyebrows but before she could say anything Bumi replied, 'A brick.' she chucked and decide to tell one herself.

'Good one, I admit. What did the buffalo said when his son left?' she asked with grin, not waiting for Bumi to respond. 'Bison!' he snor-laughed and continued with jokes, both of them losing track of time in laugh.

end of flashback


Conversation with Azula went better then Lyra expected, thanks to Kuzon and his grandson. She got a little of Azula's trust, and worst thing was, she didn't saw Azula as horrible as everyone says she was. Fire nation princess was young and forced, but Lyra didn't have time or will in moment to deal with her for real.

At the end, she decide to give her a chance after Aang defeat fire lord. Azula was everything Lyra needed in friend - loyal, strong and intelligent. It was tragic that she was born in fire nation royal family.

After spending her last evening in Capital with Kuzon, Lyra was ready to go in Ba Sing Se and found new way of fighting against fire nation. She just needed one peaceful sleepover with old friend.


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