Chapter sixteen: escape

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'Is this the end?'
'No, this is begining.'

Zuko smiled at girl, but he didn't realised real truth behind her words. Lyra knew that she would leave, she knew that staying here longer isn't option as much as she enjoyed in this moment. If it was meant to be, they would find each other once again, but without Zuko's obsession with Avatar.

'Can you stay?' he asked gently, giving Lyra a sad look. 'Why should I?' she teased him and  smirked at boy, who taked her words seriously. 'I'm joking. Sure, I would stay.' she said mockingly, sitting on Zuko's bed.

He waited few seconds but followed her to the bed, looking more confused then ever. On the other hand, Lyra looked more comfortable then ever. It was first time that she didn't keep her distance to Zuko. 'I'm tired.' she said calmly, laying down on Zuko's bed. He just watched her, admiring her beauty.

Zuko was sitting in corner of bed, while Lyra was lying down. She noticed that Zuko's chamber was warmer, same as his bed. Being firebender also mean having high body temperature, and while airbenders could warm themselves with breath, firebenders didn't need that.

'I should leave. This is your chamber and I'm dying inside, I need sleep.' she said calmly, but before she could get up, Zuko placed his hand on her shoulder. 'I don't mind if you stay here as long as we don't fight.'

She smiled at prince, knowing that every move she made was wrong, but at the moment, she couldn't care less. Aang was save and she felt whole, it was everything she needed in new life. 'I can't promise you that.' she smirked, 'But now I'm too tired to fight.'

Zuko watched as she closed her eyes, falling asleep at same moment. She looked peacefully, like she have no worry in the world. He couldn't help himself, he never felt this way. His crush on Mai back home was just a crush. With her, he felt like other person. She was capable of driving him crazy, but at same time, giving him best time of his life. Also, Mai was bored and acted emotionless, and from Alison emotions were something he first noticed. She wasn't afraid to react to anything or tell her opinion, and it was so different then Mai's attitude.

Before he realised, Zuko was asleep. He was sitting in corner of his bed, and only his head fell on his shoulder. Atmosphere was calmly and nice, and it relaxed him.

Suddenly, something snapped on ship. Both Lyra and Zuko stood up, trying to figure out what is happening. Lyra seemd to realise, but she didn't want to bring fake facts. 'Leave ship Zuko. I'll come in second.' she said and left room, running towards her chamber. Zuko was stubborn, he wasn't going to leave his own ship. He went to board, trying to figure out what is happening.

Lyra grabbed one of bags and started pulling money and few swords in it. Someone wanted to blew ship in the air and kill Zuko, smell of unnatural fire was too strong. She headed towards Iroh's chamber, grabbing his Pai Sho game and went towards board. From there, she could jump in water easily when Zuko is safe and far away to see her airbending.

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