chapter four: alone

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Lyra leave colonies with tears in her eyes. She walked as fast as she could, trying to leave place behind her. It was hard for her to leave, but she had good reasons. Spending time at Palace while war is outside was dangerous for lost princess, and she needed to see what would Zuko said.

Lyra hoped that he would chose her over his honour, but deep down she knew that she was just a phase. Of course he would chose his honour and home, even if that mean destruction.

She walked towards mountain next to the colonies. It was highest place she could find. Since neither of them really had stuff at least she didn't have to bring anything with her.

Lyra was under huge stress. Nothing seem right in the moment and it was like she lost everything for the second time. Memories of Zuko were hunting her.

'I really like you.'
'You could come with me.'
'Will you be my girlfriend?'
'You are my priority.'
Their kisses

As she looked at the river, her eyes were watery and red, but she didn't cry. Insane princess doesn't cry outside - she is the on the top. Lyra felt connected with Zuko, she didn't felt like that for 100 years, but it was over now. He chose his  way.

'I let emotions to rule over me.' she said angrily to herself and before she realised, strong wind was all around her. It looked like tornado and was bringing things in the air, but she didn't care.

She moved her hands in the direct of colonies, pulling wind with all strength down. It wasn't as strong as it could be, but it definitely didn't seem normal. She could express her anger only trough airbending and yelling at people.

'WHAT AM I DOING WRONG!?' Lyra broke down, but this time was worse then before. Then, she was desperate because her past, things she lost. But now, she lost herself in order to impress people around her. For the first time, she didn't have real personality.

She could be herself in front Zuko, but things were different. She wasn't insane princess - she was ordinary girl without money, family or present. She was stuck in past and only looked at future.

She was on knees, angrier then ever. 'WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO, C'MON SPIRITS, HELP ME FOR ONCE! I HAVE NO OTHER CHOICE!' Lyra snapped, looking at the sky. As she finished yelling, thunder hitted next to her, pushing her away and she flied back.

'Universe just told me to fuck myself. I reached new level of defeat.' she mumbled angrily and sat in position for meditation. If she can connect with any spiritual being, answers would be served.

'Only new start can bring you old dreams.' calm voice inside her head spoke and she concentrate on it completely. 'Separate from the world forever, or go in endless road of surprises. Meet new or reunite with old.'

She meditate for hours, but it was only clear message she got and it didn't have sense. When Lyra opened eyes, it was almost dawn. She meditated whole night and yet didn't get a answer on simple question - what to do with her life?

'I will risk.' she said to herself and stand up, sending one more tornado in sky above her. 'I have to open my brain to possibilities. C'mon brain, think wise.'

'New start could be fire nation, something against I fought whole life. Old dreams is Earth Kingdom.' she was talking to herself, but in this state it wasn't worst thing she did.

'Separate from the world and meet new... or go in endless road of surprises and reunite with old. I never was in the war before, it's something new. I definitely won't meet new fire nation. Reunion with old could be either Aang, one of earh kings or White Lotus.'

'Yeah, definitely meet old...' Lyra mumbled in her chin, still confused but at least she convicted herself that she knew about what was talking.

She started walking around, not knowing for what she is looking for but studendly there was feeling inside her like there is something on this place she needed right now.

Plants were everywhere, different kinds of them and most of them deadly if you use them wrong. She notice red oculus mutatio, only plant in world which can change your eye color if you made tea out of it. 'I will maybe need this one.'

She putted plant in pockets and continue seeking for others. There were very few useful plants she noticed, but neither of them was worth taking away.

Lyra sat down again, but this time only to concentrate on plan. She had to enter in center of earth kingdom, worst city in world, Ba Sing Se. Omasu would be good start, but if Bumi wasn't there Lyra wasn't sure how she would react.

She heard loud noise - one of fire nation ships come at port. Lyra saw how soldiers were standing and girl in the middle who was clearly princess Azula, ordering them around. Zuko fell right in her trap, but she didn't care.

Lyra convinced herself that Zuko isn't her worry. He was Iroh's nephew, for her, he was just one more acquaintance. One more pact with royal family.

It was easy to manipulate with emotions for air temple princess. When she decide to distant herself from emotions things never were perfect, but they were generally good.

She watched Zuko coming to Azula from one direction, while Iroh was coming from the other one. Both of them were still far away from ship. At the moment, her inner crazy genius woke up.

Only key to her goal is princess Azula


I had horrible writer block and that is reason why there weren't updates in last 4 days. I'm here again and updates would be as before.

Also please don't be silent reader - if you like or dislike something, leave comment. I'm trying make storyline original and unexpected.

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