Chapter Sixteen

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Looking at everyone in the room, my heart ached

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Looking at everyone in the room, my heart ached. The tears on Carl's and Sophia's faces, as they embraced their mothers. Everyone was now panicking, with reason. Because in less than 25 minutes from now, the air would become fire and erase every single one of us from existence.

For a second, i thought about it. We didn't have to be afraid anymore, we wouldn't have to run from the plague that fell upon our world. We would be gone. But that's when i looked at him, the same him that was starting to make me feel things i didn't want to. His eyes shed hope, hope that i wanted to embrace. 

'' It sets the air on fire. No pain...An end to sorrow, grief...regret. Everything '' The doctor spoke, i knew how he felt right at this time. He felt like he had accomplished his way, his destiny was set on dying inside these four walls. 

'' There's nothing like a little pain to remind you, you're alive '' I spoke, as my voice trembled. 

I wasn't going to let these people die like this, not without a choice. Carl and Sophia didn't deserve the world outside, but they sure as hell didn't deserve to die without a choice either. My mom, my best friend. 

I wasn't going to let them die. I refused to let it happen. 

'' Out of my way '' Shane screams as he throws an ax to the door, it didn't budge, nothing could open the door unless Edwin entered the code. '' Can't even make a dent '' 

'' Those doors are designed to withstand a rocket launcher '' The doctor says taking a gulp of the bottle of whiskey. 

I sprinted to the doors, where my mom was, tears streaming down her face. She grabs my arms, embracing me in a tight hug. I wrap my hands around her. 

'' I'm not letting this happen to us, not without a choice, or trying '' I whisper to her 

'' Well, your head ain't! '' Daryl yells as he swings the ax in his hands, ready to swing at the doctor. Rick and Shane need to hold him back before he really opens the doctor's head open. Crystal goes straight to Daryl, trying to calm him down. 

'' You do want this. Last night you said you knew it was just a matter of time before everybody you loved was dead '' Edwin accuses Rick, who has now everyone facing him with pure shock. But i understood the former policeman, he was right. But that didn't mean we needed to surrender to this death. Everyone died, in the old world and in the new one. There was no such thing as immortality for the ones breathing. 

''  What? You really said that? After all your big talk? '' Shane asks, frustrated. 

''  I had to keep hope alive, didn't I? '' Rick turns to his wife, who is holding Carl in a tight embrace. 

'' There is no hope. There never was '' The doctor almost screams at Rick. 

'' Yes, there is '' I take a step further, some heads looking in my direction. '' This is no place die, no matter what is happening upstairs. You're robbing us of a chance to survive, just because you have given up on living doesn't mean everyone here has '' My hands started to shake as i started to see red in front of me. 

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