Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Once again we were on the lookout for the body of Sophia

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Once again we were on the lookout for the body of Sophia. It scared me the thought of finding a small child's body amongst those rotten once humans, i don't think we were ready to see the sight of it. Hell, if she suddenly appeared, well and alive, i would certainly apologize to everyone and eat my own grave's dirt for it. But, even tho it was a small chance of that happening, i was still going with the chance that she was already a goner.

I knew although that Shane didn't want to continue the search for her. We were somewhat safe back on the farm, that was true, and going on searches was dangerous. We had already medicine and food to last us for a while longer. There was no reason for us to get out of the safe walls, but a child was still missing. Not long ago i was Carol, i was Rick, i was Daryl. Trying to find my mother, but i knew from a few days later that the chance of getting her alive and well was low. It surprised me knowing she was well and that Shane had kept her alive.
But my mom was a fifth-year-old woman, Sophia was a twelve-year-old girl who was scarred beyond recognition.

" You're quiet" Shane woke me up from my own thoughts. After i told him what happened, and i calmed down. We got into the Jeep and we drove around, going to the highway where there was still the sign and food for Sophia there. We're now going to where Rick wanted us.

" Just thinking "

" You wanna share? " He slowed down the car, as we came into an empty street. Far ahead we could see the neighborhood.

" Just how i was not long ago in Carol's same shoes "

He remained silent for a bit.

" I know. I shouldn't speak my mind that often, i just wanted everyone back at the farm to look at every option out there ya' know " He tapped the steering wheel.

" I know Shane, Rick came to me yesterday and asked me my opinion. Telling me how i needed to guide him because he was lost. " I opened the window " I cant guide someone when i don't understand what it's like to have a child .."

" Ash i—" He was silent for a long minute" I saw the pink blanket..What is that about? "

Taking a few breaths, i prepared myself to tell him about some of my past.

" You saw the scars right? " I asked, even tho i knew he knew about them.

" Yeah the one on your left side " He confirmed, but i shook my head. Lifting my shirt a bit, i showed him the one i had a few centimeters from my hip bone, on my right side. " I never noticed that one, im sorry i—"

" It's okay " I chuckled. " The one on my left side is more noticeable anyways. " Shrugging i pulled the shirt down. " When i was sixteen, shit at home was tough. So i kinda started to hang out with the wrong crowd back in high school, you know how kids go. I met this dude, he was twenty-four at the time, he was everything someone could ask for, i mean, being young you would think that right. He was great for the first two months, nothing wrong. Until i started to blackout most nights when we were partying. At first, i thought it was alcohol. But then, i started to be more awake, i didn't have any control of my body tho, i felt everything and i saw everything. " Grabbing my pack of cigarettes i lighted one " You can guess what was happening, you're a cop you know damn well what it was "

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