Chapter Thirty

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A few shots in, me and Crystal we're just a bit tipsy

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A few shots in, me and Crystal we're just a bit tipsy. Both of us were crying over the end of the world. When we say Glenn, Daryl, and Shane at the steps of the house. Shane was holding the bag full of guns and was now passing them to the man around the camp.

'' What is he doing? '' Crystal asked as both of us opened the doors and left the Jeep, sprinting towards the house where Lori held Carl who now held a gun as Shane was preaching about him protecting his mother.

'' Shane what's going on? '' I asked, as I looked at him terrified. If he was going to do what I thought, we would be packing our shit in no time. And after the news of a baby on the way, leaving the farm wasn't a very good choice. True, living with the dead ones right beside us wasn't safe and I wasn't on Hershell's side on keeping them, somewhat alive just a few yards away. But, it was his farm.

'' You gonna have my back? '' I was left speechless as he passed me and Crystal my gun and a revolver to Crystal. The gun weighing on my hand. I couldn't do this.

'' Oh, shit '' T-Dog cursed, looking at the entrance of the trees where Rick, Jimmy, and Hershell had walkers, round k-9's.

Shane sprinted their way, as I stood in my place as everyone followed the man. Crystal waited for me to follow her, getting worried at my reaction. I took a few deep breaths and followed the man. Hopefully, we all could prevent this from happening.

''  What the hell are you doing? '' Shane asked Rick, as I was asking myself internally the same. Why was Rick helping Hershell in this and not change his mind, see that those things were humans, they weren't alive anymore.

'' Shane, just back off '' Rick yelled in frustration.

'' No man, you don't '' I was too far away from the man to hear what they were arguing about, but I could hear Shane perfectly. ''What you want to talk about, Rick? These things ain't sick. They're not people. They're dead. Ain't gonna feel nothing for them 'cause all they do, they kill! These things right here, they're the things that killed Amy. They killed Otis. They're gonna kill all of us '' I bitted my tongue, not believing he brought Amy and Otis onto this mess. '' Hey, Hershel man, let me ask you something. Could a living breathing person, could they walk away from this? ''

Without hesitation, Shane fired the gun towards the chest of the walker Hershell was holding with the K-9.

'' That's three rounds in the chest. Could someone who's alive, could they just take that?! Why is it still coming? '' Gunshot. The small amount of alcohol I had in my veins was totally gone as I now prepared to stop the man that I was infatuated with. This was going too far, there was no way we would still be here at the end of the day. '' That's its heart, it's lungs. Why is it still coming? '' He shot at the creature once again.

'' Shane, enough '' Rick yelled

'' Yeah, you're right man. That is enough '' Shane seemed calm for less than two seconds, before lifting his gun again and walking to the walker Hershell had. Shooting it straight in the head.

'' Shane, please leave it be '' I tried to walk towards him, but he didn't hear me. Or he pretended not to because his eyes lingered on me for a split second before walking towards the barn. This was not over.

'' Enough risking our lives for a little girl who's gone! Enough living next to a barn full of things that are trying to kill us. Enough. Rick, it ain't like it was before! Now if y'all want to live, if you want to survive, you got to fight for it! I'm talking about fighting right here, right now '' In less than a second, Rick was running towards his best friend, as I took that opportunity and do the same, I knew me and Rick could convince Shane not to do it.

'' No, Shane. Do not do this, brother. Wait! ''

'' Listen to Rick, Shane. If you do this, we won't be able to stay here. We need this place, please ''

But it wasn't enough. He was keen on opening those doors. Everyone was pleading for Shane to stop. I couldn't do shit, I couldn't stop him.

'' Stay back '' Rick yelled to the group as Shane broke the locket. I stumbled backward, grabbing my knife instead of the gun. '' Stop ''

But he didn't stop, the man that I cared about didn't stop. He opened the doors and walked backward as he fired and killed the walkers leaving the barn. So many thoughts were running around my head. I felt someone pulling me away from the hot zone, Daryl pulled me towards him, giving me a look to see if I was okay. I was shaking inside my skin.

When everyone was done firing, and the walkers were all down. I was ready to punch Shane. When my world fell apart. The blue shirt with a rainbow in the middle, the khaki pants that were smeared with mud, even the pink socks. I felt my legs give up as I saw her. Her jaw clicking and growls leaving her mouth. She was dead, Sophia was truly gone.

The shotgun was what brought me to the world once again, out of my own thoughts. Out of my own guilt and regret. I knew that I wouldn't be able to live with myself now, no matter what I was feeling right now, there was no way I could be okay. It was already gone, the hope I had.

'' We've been out. We've been combing these woods looking for her and she was in there all along? Did you know? ''

At this point now, every one of the group was confused as to why Hershell did what he did. Sophia has been here all along, he knew we were looking for her, and he didn't say anything. Why?

'' Otis put those people in the barn. Maybe he found her and put her in there before he was killed '' His response made me shiver, and the anxiety I felt, made me feel as everyone now knew my deep big secret. I moved away from the group, I couldn't breathe. It was too much, I needed to clear my head. One hour ago I was finding out Shane was probably going to be a father and now this... It was too much for me.

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