Chapter Thirty-Five

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'' I thought, I thought that you would never let me down you know? We're together since the beginning of this, well, almost

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'' I thought, I thought that you would never let me down you know? We're together since the beginning of this, well, almost. But you had to betray me like this, didn't you? '' I kicked the tire of my jeep. He had just died on me, a few miles away from the farm. I had to park it close to the side of the road .'' I'm more loyal than you tough I was tho, because im going to try and figure out what's wrong with you, fix you, so we can go to one of the towns Daryl marked on the map ''

I grabbed my gun and my knife, stashing the shotgun on the trunk and covering it with blankets. Lifting the hood of the jeep, I checked the oil first, but ultimately, the battery was the issue here. Maybe I shouldn't have played so much music.

'' Shit, really? The fucking battery? '' I cursed. '' Don't go anywhere, I am coming right back ''

I pat the hood of the Jeep and I leave it on the side of the road, with the map in my hands, I look at the closest town there was on the map. Hopefully, I could find a car on the side that would work and bring it to where i had the jeep. No way I was going to leave my Jeep. I had stuck with him longer than..Shaking my head, I continued on walking.

'' Maybe I should have brought some food, and water '' I spoke to myself, as I enjoyed what was once a nice view. '' What should I eat for dinner? I'm not very fond of squirrels, maybe I can find a rabbit. ''

Almost after an hour of walking, I found a car on the side of the road just like I wanted, but now I was super tired and dying of thirst. So I walked an extra mile and entered a house, just looking for water. I rested my body in the kitchen before moving once again to the car. I had to hotwire the car since there were no keys in sight. Which by the time I got it working, it was already dark outside. The lights were smashed, so I couldn't see anything in front of me, I had to use a flashlight to point myself in the right direction.

'' I see you baby '' I spoke a bit louder than I intended. I parked the car and I pointed the flashlight around, if any dead-one was around, this was the time for them to show up I wasn't going to let a motherfucker take a bite out of me now that i—

'' Ashley? '' I heard my name. For a moment I thought I was going crazy, that this was some type of hallucination. Maybe I got bit on my way to find a car and this was it. But soon, those thoughts left my head as I saw Shane in front of me. With everyone behind him, Rick although walked closer than most.

'' What--? '' I was confused, this was far away from the farm, what were they doing out here and why did they reck of smoke? ''

'' The farm-it's all gone '' Rick spoke, even in the middle of the dark, I could see his face, he looked down as he turned his eyes from me. I nodded.

'' You left '' Beth was the one who spoke next, which made me confused that the young girl even cared about it.

'' It was the best thing to do, I think '' I turned to look at Rick now, as I spoke those words.

'' Crystal, you okay? '' I asked the blonde, who forced a smile on her face. I had left her and my mom a letter explaining what happened, leaving Rick's part from it, and most stuff that they didn't need to know. '' Hey mom '' I called, as I didn't see her amongst the crowd.

'' Ashley '' Rick tried to put his hand on my shoulder.

'' What? Whatever you have to say just say it '' I spoke, angrily at him. I wasn't okay with him, not even a bit. '' Where's mom Crystal? ''

I saw her lip tremble, and her face getting drowns in tears.


I shook my head.

'' Where's mom Crystal? ''

'' Ashley please listen to me '' Rick tried once again to grab me, but I jerked his handoff.

'' Hey, there's no need for that attitude '' Lori came to the rescue, with an expression on her face, as if I just beat her dog to death.

'' It's okay Lori, hey Ashley, you gotta listen to us ''

'' I am not. Going to ask again. Where, is my mom? ''

'' She's gone ''

'' Tell me where she's at? She's back at the farm? ''

'' You can't go back there, the place was crawling with walkers. ''

'' I don't care '' I turned around and popped the hood of the car. '' I am going to get her ''

'' Hey hey hey, Ash. Think it over, it's suicide ''

'' Listen to Shane, there was nothing we could have done. We lost Andrea, we lost Dale, we lost Patricia, Jimmy...''

'' I am not losing my mom ''

'' She's already gone '' Rick yelled back at me.

'' And who's fault is that Rick? ''

'' Hey let's calm down, we need to be quiet ''

'' What happened it wasn't my fault ''

'' Don't even try to put the blame on him, young lady ''

'' Do me a favor Lori, and shut the fuck up. You made me a promise, that you would take care of my mom. You said that you said that right after you told me you didn't want me anymore with the group. This, this is your fault, Rick .''

'' Walker '' Maggie gasped .

'' We need to move, it's dark and it's not safe. We can talk about this when the sun rises ''

'' To hell with that ''

Once again, I turned my back and grabbed the cables to try and get the jeep working.

'' I did what I thought was right ''

'' We all know about that '' Carol spoke with attitude towards Rick.

'' Maybe you people are better off without me. Go ahead. I say there's a place for us, but maybe--maybe it's just another pipe dream. Maybe--maybe I'm fooling myself again. Why don't you go and find out yourself? Send me a postcard. Go on, there's the door. You can do better? Let's see how far you get. No takers? Fine. But get one thing straight, Ashley and I agreed on letting yall know when we were all safe, that we were infected, what happened between me and he '' He looked at me now '' Was because I didn't see her point, I didn't want to believe that the one thing I didn't wanna do was what was necessary to survive, to protect you all. If you're staying, know this. This isn't a democracy anymore ''

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