Chapter Twenty

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Another path we had entered in search of Sophia, who until now, hasn't shown any signs of being close

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Another path we had entered in search of Sophia, who until now, hasn't shown any signs of being close. It wasn't until I looked at Carl and his profound determination for a twelve-year-old, who has been forced to grow in this world, that I saw the same determination that I once had when I was looking for my mother. No one knew this, and perhaps it was the non-sleeping that was making me remember stuff from the past. But I remembered with detail, as I was back there, the number of times I sat on top of cars as the dead-human creatures passed me. I looked at every decayed face when the hope I had was lost, in seeing her one last time. That never happened, that was probably what kept me going. I was lost, and at the same time, I knew exactly where I was. I was in that city, searching for my mother. Every chance that I had, I looked for her. I left notes, I did what I could so I could see her once again. And I did, I did see her. And, as I looked at the young boy, I hoped that he could see his best friend once again. Dead or alive. Everyone needed closure, everyone needed to know that the ones they loved were there and not lost.

My mother, Rosa, knew exactly the daughter she had. She had a daughter that grew up in a house where survival was the first thing top priority. Nevertheless, it was an abusive household. But since i could read, I was taught everything from my father, on how to hunt in case of an emergency, in how to fire a gun so that I could be a Lieutenant Colonel when I was shipped off to the army, giving first medical assistance when needed. I was taught everything. I never played them in the past. I didn't need it, nor did i care. Because frankly, I didn't need to fight for my survival, and most importantly, I didn't need to fight to keep the ones I loved safe. Truth be told, I was tired, I was tired to keep a façade. Every time I held my knife I remembered him.

I remembered the bad and the good.

And, just like Carl, just like Rick , just like Carol . I hoped he was okay . I hoped my father , was still alive.

Minute by minute, the sun was sliding down our camp of vision to the other side of the earth, we were losing daylight. Which, was one of the things we most needed. I stop abruptly when I saw a deer in front of me, i turned around, looking at the two-man and little boy that stood behind me. I put a finger to my lips , silencing them. I pointed to the gun Shane was carrying, and then to the deer in front of us . Carl looked in awe at the animal . It would feed us for a week . Rick smiled at Carl and Shane nodded towards the boy , carefully I walked to the man as I let the little boy appreciate our next meal . A smile plastered on my lips as I saw the two innocent creatures in front of me . Lifting my hand to grab the weapon the taller officer carried, my hand wrapped around his , for a split second we changed looks , turning to look at the scene in front of us . When suddenly, the birds that were hiding in the trees flew away , the echo made my ears hurt .

A gunshot .

And Carl....

'' Oh no. No. No no no no! '' That's all i could hear as I saw the boy on the ground and his father, kneeling in front of him .

Follow You Into The Dark - Shane Walsh [ the walking dead ]Where stories live. Discover now