Stolen Kiss

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Please don't skip chapters, guys... ;_; It ruins the story.

Sorry for the late update... I've been really busy...

Also, a special shout out to my friend Cal, whose birthday just passed. ^^



Your gun fired into the air. 

“I’ll be back,” you said. “And next time, I won’t let you go so easily.”

Without another word, you turned and walked away. Away from the girl who had once been your best friend.

The girl who seconds ago, you had just tried to kill.


You entered the Lucky Cat Café. Sighing, you took a seat next to the window, not bothering to get anything to eat.

Hiro glanced at you worriedly. “Are you okay?”

You rested your head on your hands. “Loria got away,” you said quietly.

Hiro’s eyes widened. “What happened?”

You sighed, your eyes dull, and told him everything.


Hiro listened quietly, not questioning you for a moment. When you finished, there was a long pause of silence.

“I don’t know what to do,” you admitted finally.

Hiro smiled reassuringly. “Don’t worry about it. In the meantime... how does a movie sound?”

“A movie would be great.” you replied, returning his smile. You knew he was just trying to cheer you up, but being alone with Hiro didn’t sound all that bad...


You took a seat on the couch. Hiro sat down next to you, as your favorite movie began to play.

You sighed happily, moving closer to him. After awhile, you began to feel tired. Slowly, your eyes drifted closed, everything around you fading to black.


Hiro glanced at you. ‘She’s... asleep...’

You looked so peaceful. A faint smile graced your face, a feeling of serenity following your closed eyes.

He really couldn’t resist...

Slowly, he leaned in, brushing his lips against your own. The kiss only lasted a few seconds. But for him, that was more than enough.

Hiro never told you that he had kissed you. And you never found out.

At least, until...


Really uninspired right now. The next update will probably be the last one in just about forever. :/ Sorry...

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