Not your Ordinary Cat

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Author's note:

Thanks so much for 200+ votes!! ;v; You guys make me so unbelievably happy...

//slapped for bad pun


Mochi barely looked up when you entered the room. He meowed weakly, his eyes dull with pain, and sank back onto the bed. You watched sympathetically as he tried to settle himself in a better position and failed.

His legs were all wrapped up in bandages. “I don’t understand,” you sputtered. “Who would try to harm Mochi?”

Hiro shook his head. “I don’t know. But they were successful. His legs are badly injured. He won’t be able to walk for at least half a year.”

Mochi meowed sadly. Just seeing him like that killed you inside. 

“I want to help,” you said firmly.

Hiro frowned. “I’m afraid there’s nothing you can do.”

Slowly, you smiled. “Oh, really?”


“Done!” You stared at the finished product in pride.

“Now, it’s time to try them on.” You slipped your invention onto Mochi’s feet.

Hiro stared at you, puzzled. He still hadn’t figured out what you were doing.

“Shoes?” He questioned. “How is that supposed to help?”

You smiled. “They’re not just shoes...”

You pushed a button. Instantly, Mochi rose up and began to float.

You grinned. “May I introduce to you... Rocket Cat!”


Hiro’s mouth dropped open. “No way...”

“These rocket shoes are controlled by a neurocranial transmitter. They help Mochi move wherever he wants to,” you explained, as Mochi floated out the door. “And even better, he doesn’t have to use his legs!”

“That’s awesome!” Hiro exclaimed. 

“I know, right?” You agreed, watching Mochi fly down the stairs.

A moment later, you heard a startled scream. “What have you done with Mochi?” Aunt Cass yelled.

You and Hiro exchanged amused glances. “It’s a long story...” 


You were walking home from school the next day when you saw a darkened swirl rise up into the atmosphere. Your eyes narrowed. ‘Smoke...?’

Out of the corner of your eye, you noticed a small flame by your right foot. It grew in seconds, forming a ring of fire around you.

You panicked. That’s not possible. The fire should have followed the direction of the wind. How could it have surrounded me?

It’s not like a natural fire at all. Unless...

...It isn’t one.

Out of the corner of your eye, you spotted a shadowy figure in the distance. “Help me!” You yelled, hoping that they would hear you.

The figure turned around. You could see now that it was a girl. “Why should I help you?” She snarled.

She snapped her fingers. Instantly, the flames shot upwards, closing over your head.

Your eyes widened. She’s... controlling the fire? You felt the hotness close around you like a warm liquid. You felt suffocated by the heat, as you took in several breaths of air, trying to breath through the thickening smoke. It was unbearable.

You wrapped your arms around your knees, trying to keep the fire from touching you. It was just like your dream. But this time, it was undoubtedly real.

The world was fading. Faltering.


And then...


Author's note:

Yay! Finally a decent length chapter. :D

The concept of rocket cat was originally going to be in the movie, but it was later abandoned because it didn't fit in with the plot. I decided to bring it back to life :>

Hope you liked it! Happy new year, everyone <3 I hope 2015 goes well for you! 

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