Shocking Revelations

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You looked around. You were standing in a small room. It was surprisingly bare; not one decoration hung from the crumbling walls. Everything was in black and white.

The room was full of people. Children. Some were too small to walk; others were already nearing adulthood.

You realized, from a sign on the door, that this was an orphanage.

One particular girl stood out to you. She had (H/C) hair and (E/C) eyes. She couldn’t have been more than seven years old. ‘This must have been me when I was younger,’ you realized. ‘I’m trapped inside of a memory.’

You bit your lip. ‘I was... an orphan?’

The younger version of you was talking to another girl; a girl with light brown hair and brown eyes. 

“When are they coming?” The girl inquired.

“Today.” Your younger self replied. 

A spark of sadness filled the other girl’s eyes. “Don’t forget me,” she pleaded.

You smiled sadly. “I would never forget you, Loria.” 

As if on cue, the door swung open. A young woman and a boy walked into the orphanage. A little boy with messy black hair followed behind them. 

Your eyes widened. ‘Aunt Cass? Hiro? Tadashi? They... adopted me?’


Author's note:

Sorry if this was confusing! QAQ Basically, the whole chapter is a memory from your past. It reveals that you grew up in an orphanage and were adopted by Aunt Cass, Hiro, and Tadashi.

I'll update again in a few days! ;v; Thank you so much for reading this~ ♥

Unbelievable (Hiro x Reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz