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Unknown Number: I've said this before, and I'll say it again.

Unknown Number: I can restore your memories. But in return... I must ask you never to talk to Hiro again.

You: ...

You: Give me a day to decide.

Unknown Number: You have twenty four hours.

You let out a shaky exhale. It isn't worth it, you tried to convince yourself. Getting my memories back isn't worth losing Hiro forever.

But still, you couldn't ignore the feeling of doubt that was settling in your stomach...


The following twenty four hours passed by in a blur. Hiro spent the entire time with his brother, laughing and joking and inventing. It was as if you didn't exist anymore.

But that was okay, you reassured yourself. They hadn't seen each other in years... they were probably just making up for all that lost time by spending it together now.

It was nothing to be upset about. Still, you couldn't help but feel... unimportant.

Unnecessary. Insignificant. Useless.



Flash forward a couple of hours. Hiro was showing Baymax's new upgrades to his brother.

His face was drawn out into a smile, but it wasn't one of those false, insincere smiles people made for a camera. It was a genuine smile that took your breath away.

He looked... so... happy.

All of a sudden, the truth registered in your mind. You weren't responsible for that smile at all. It was all because of Tadashi.

Hiro was happy because of Tadashi. His brother was back; he didn't really need you anymore. Maybe he'd never needed you at all.

You pulled out your phone.

You: Loria?

You sighed, your hands shaking slightly as you finally admitted your defeat:

You: I want my memories back. It doesn't matter if I never see Hiro again.

Unbelievable (Hiro x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now