Identity... Revealed?

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‘I was hoping to save this for later, but I guess there’s no choice...’

You walked over to your workspace and typed something into your computer. Instantly, the wall opened up, revealing a secret compartment. 

You took out your superhero suit - the one thing you had been working on for the past few days. It was a black suit with magnetic powers that could be used to summon a variety of tools. You slipped into your suit and pressed a button.

Instantly, two pieces of metal detached from the suit and joined together to form a large platform. Four wheels appeared underneath it. You had designed it to be a super-speed skateboard that could also be used interchangeably as a hoverboard.

You stepped on and pressed a different button. Instantly, the wheels were replaced with thrusters. You zoomed outside, surveying the campus below you.

In less than a minute, you found the thing you were looking for.



The team was trapped inside of a fire, just like you had been. Standing above them was the same person who had tried to kill you.

“What are you going to do to us?” Hiro questioned.

“You’ll find out soon enough.” The girl smirked coldly.

“Oh, really?” You taunted. 

The girl turned around. Your heart nearly stopped when you realized who she was...



“Why, hello, Y/N.” She said coldly. “Fancy meeting you here.”

Fred’s mouth dropped open. “You know this person?”

You nodded. “Well... yeah, I guess.” Your gaze shifted to Loria. “What are you doing?”

“Killing them,” she replied nonchalantly.

“But why?” You demanded. “What have they ever done to you?”

“They keep getting in my way,” she stated simply. “So I decided to get rid of them.”

“Get rid of us?” Wasabi said angrily. “You can’t kill people just because you don’t like them!”

“I don’t just dislike you,” Loria clarified. “I absolutely loathe you.”

“We’ve never even met before,” Gogo muttered. “How could you loathe us?” 

“Of course we’ve met before. Don’t you remember?” Loria feigned a smile. “Oh, that’s right. I took your memories.”

She smiled coldly. “How could I forget?”


Author's note: Why does she hate you? There's a reason for everything... trust me, I have it all thought out. ^^

This isn't really a cliffhanger, but I hope it's interesting enough for you to keep reading QAQ

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