Ice Skating

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Your eyes grew wide. “That’s...”

“Impossible?” He finished for you. “I know. It was probably just a hallucination.” 

You nodded. But one thought remained. And no matter how hard you tried, it refused to leave your mind...

What if it wasn’t?


After a few days, Hiro was let out of the hospital.

Winter had come. Snowflakes drifted to the ground, covering San Fransokyo in a soft blanket of white. Coldness hung over the air like a thick fog. 

You sighed, stifling a yawn. You were so bored. Winter break had just started and there was nothing for you to do.

You took out your phone and texted Hiro.

You: Want to go ice skating? There’s a lake by my house and it’s pretty much frozen.

Hiro: I’ve never ice skated before...

You: It’s okay, I’ll teach you!

Hiro: Well, if you insist...

You smiled, slipping on your (F/C) ice skates. This is going to be fun...


You glided gracefully past the ice. For once, you were glad that Loria hadn’t taken your ability to do things. You had no memory of ice skating before, but you were already a professional.

“Come on, Hiro!” You chirped. “This is fun!”

He was standing in place, too afraid to move. “H-Hey! It’s not like you were any better on your first time...”

“This is my first time.” You grinned, seeing the bewildered look on his face. “At least, the first time I actually remember.”

“Well, I’m not taking any chances.” he stated.

“Then I guess I’ll just have to make you...” You gave him a shove.

His eyes widened in horror. “Wait... I don’t know how to– ahh!” He yelled as he crashed into a tree.

You giggled, skating over to him. “Here, I’ll teach you.” You extended your hand so that he could reach it.

He blushed, taking a hold of your hand. You pulled him up and started skating again. “See?” you exclaimed. “It’s not as hard as it seems!”

“That’s because you’re holding onto my hand,” he muttered. He looked away. “But I guess... this is kind of fun...”

You started to skate faster. Your surroundings became a blur of colors, as you glided gracefully past the ice. You were going too fast to notice a rock in the middle of the lake.

At least, until it was too late...

You tripped over the rock and fell face first to the ground. You closed your eyes, bracing yourself for the worst...


Surprisingly, it hadn’t hurt at all. You cracked open one eye.

Instantly, your cheeks flushed red. You were lying on top of Hiro, your face inches away from his. If you had just leaned a little closer, your lips would have touched.

You stood up shakily. “I... um... sorry,” you muttered.

Hiro’s face was equally as red as yours. “I think that’s enough ice skating for today...” 


The two of you walked back to the Lucky Cat Café. You sat down across from Hiro as Aunt Cass made you both some hot chocolate.

You sighed, sipping the warm liquid. “About Loria...” you started. “We can’t just wait for her to find us again. If we want to defeat her, we’ll have to catch her off guard.”

He stared at you, confused. “How exactly do we do that...?”

Slowly, you smiled. “Baymax scanned her, right? If we want to find her again, we’ll just have to find a match...”


Author's note:

How. Do. You. Fluff. ;-;

Sorry for the awkwardly romantic moments... *cringes* I hope it was okay!

And is Tadashi really alive? You'll have to find out :>

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