Hiro's Reaction

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The older boy took a step forward. "Hello, Hiro."

"Wait..." Hiro stuttered. "I-Is this real? Is he really back?"

You smirked evilly. "Why don't you ask Baymax?" You asked, before punching him in the arm.

"Ow!" Hiro exclaimed. Upstairs, the sound of something inflating could be heard. The three of you watched Baymax walk – no, stumble – slowly down the stairs.

"Scan him," Hiro ordered, pointing at his brother.

Tadashi rolled his eyes. "Now, is that really necessary?"

"Scan complete," Baymax interrupted. "Hello, Tadashi. I did not know it was possible to come back from the dead."

Hiro stared at his brother in disbelief. "Baymax wouldn't be wrong about this. Which means... it really is you," he breathed. Suddenly, his expression shifted to one of anger. "Why didn't you come back?"

Tadashi sighed, a faraway look settling in his eyes. "I... couldn't. If I even tried, Loria would have killed me."

"But you could've sent a signal, a message, a clue... something!" Hiro was seething now. "Do you know how many sleepless nights I've spent, wishing you were here?" he demanded. "Do you know how many times I've cried over your absence?"

A tear slid down his cheek and dropped to the ground. Then another. He tried to take a deep breath, but it came in shaky. "Do you even know how much I've missed you?" his voice broke, replaced by a sob, as he buried his face in his hands. His shoulders shook slightly and he willed himself to stop crying, but he couldn't.

"Hey..." Tadashi pulled Hiro into a tight embrace, his eyes glimmering with tears of his own. "I know it hurt you. It hurt me too. But I..."

"I'm here now."


You smiled and left the room, leaving them there alone. All of a sudden, your phone buzzed.

Unknown Number: Hello, Y/N.

You frowned, your fingers flying across the keypad as you entered your reply.

You: Loria?

Unknown Number: That would be me.

You: Please, don't separate Tadashi from his brother again!

You: I'd fight you to keep them together. We all would.

Unknown Number: That won't be necessary. It isn't Tadashi I'm interested in.

Unknown Number: It's you.


I'm sorry if this was too cheesy. ;.;

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