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Author's note:

I was originally going to post this on Saturday, but it's my dog's birthday today. So, in honor of him, you all get an early update! ' v '

He's a golden retriever and he's turning 2 <3


You stared at her, your eyes wide with disbelief.

“You stole my memories?

She smirked. “Not just yours. I was careful to remove every memory of you from their minds... so no one would suspect a thing.”

So that’s why they didn’t remember me, you realized. I was erased from their memories.

“But... why?” you sputtered. “What have I ever done to you?”

Her eyes turned cold. “Enough.” She sent a blast of fire towards you. At the last moment, you moved to the side, narrowly avoiding the flames.

“Don’t set this place on fire,” you said through gritted teeth. “You know I can outrun your flames.”

She smiled coldly. “You’re right. I’ll have to find you when you’re alone. In that case...” She snapped. Instantly, all the flames disappeared, including the ones restraining the team.

“...I guess I’ll spare this place,” she finished. “But don’t think that this is the end.”

She waved her hand, forming a wall of fire between you and her.

When the fire was gone, so was she.


You turned to the rest of the group. 

“Her fire... it’s different. It can no longer be destroyed by water,” Hiro said. “The only one who can control it is her.”

You raised your eyebrows. “And...?”

"And, um... thanks for saving us?" 

"And?" You pressed, unable to suppress a smile.

He sighed, looking away. “Fine. I... I guess you can join our team.”

You smiled. “Yes! YES!” You jumped up and down on your hoverboard. Hiro couldn’t help but smile. 

You both had no idea that someone was watching you...


Author's note: And it's NOT Loria. Haha...

Any guesses on who it is? ; v ;

Hope you liked this chapter! Thanks for reading this story up till now xD

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