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Y/n's POV

"You left us."

"Mommy? I'm scared..."

"Ted, I know baby, I kno-"

"YOU LEFT US." Macey and Kacey's voices rang out as they grabbed Theo, pulling him behind them. "You abandoned us. We were still kids, not even legal adults yet. But you didn't care."

"Mace, Kace, I'm sorry, but-"

"Shut the fuck up! There aren't any excuses Y/n! You can't lie your way out of this one! You didn't love us enough to stay. You didn't love us enough to take our feelings into consideration. You selfish bitch. You only care about yourself."

"No! You're wrong! I practically raised you! How dare you say that! I do fucking love you! So much! I-I do! I... I think I do..." The more I said it the more I doubted myself.

I dropped to my knees, feeling my head pound.

Was I selfish?

Did I really do it for them?

"Mommy, why'd you let them take me?"

I look up, coming face to face with my son. But his eyes weren't full of joy and excitement like they normally were. They were dull and empty. "Teddy...?"

"Why'd you let them take me, mommy? Don't you love me?"

"Of course I love you, baby, of course I do!" I cried, tears streaming freely down my face as I reached for him, only to be held back by chains that anchored me down.

"Then why'd you let them take me? Why'd you let her take me?"


Heels clucked on the floor, causing my head to turn to the source as a short blonde came out from the shadows. "Liz." I growled, fighting against the chains once more.

"Yes y/n, why'd you let me take him? You don't love him. You only love yourself." She picked Theodore up and sat him on her hip. "Poor wittle bwaby, not even mommy woves you." She pouted, squeezing his cheeks.

"Put him down! Leave him alone! Gah!"

"She doesn't love you honey. She never will. Your daddy would, but he can't. Because you're her son." Liz spoke again, pulling a gun from a holster on her hip and pressing it to Theodore's face.


Teddy watched the weapon with curiosity, not having a clue on what it was or what it could do.


The twins now joined Liz, circling my precious baby boy.

"Babe?" A low voice called. I turned around best I could and saw Delirious.

"Delirious!" I sighed in relief as we walked over, eyeing the trio who were all taunting the child before glancing at me.

"What's going on?"

"Delirious! Please, don't let her do it! Don-"

"Shut the fuck up. I wasn't talking to you." He spat, giving me a nasty glare. My eyes widened in shock and my mouth fell open yet I was unable to formulate any words.

"Babe?" He called again, looking at the trio. Liz turned to him, offering a large smile as she pushed the twins out of the way.

"Hi baby!" She skipped up to him, planting a kiss on his lips, which causes me to flinch at the contact. He smiles back at her, a smile I've seen before, but this time, it wasn't directed at me. They both turn and face me.

Trust Issues || H2O Delirious x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now